Vice-Dean for Organisation of Studies
date of birth
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2001)
degree/scientific title
- habilitation – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2019),
- PhD – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2006)
- Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering - university professor (since 2019),
- GUT, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering - senior lecturer (2018-2019),
- Gdańsk University of Technology - assistant professor (2006–2018),
- Gdańsk University of Technology - assistant (2005–2006),
- Gdańsk University of Technology - PhD student (2001–2005)
academic positions
- Vice-Dean for Organization of Studies Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2020-2024, since 2024),
- Head of the Department of Control Engineering Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (since 2019),
- Dean's Plenipotentiary of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology for Interdisciplinary Studies of the second degree in Industrial and Power Energy Safety (2009-2010)
institutional functions
- Member of the Council the Discipline of Science Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies (2020-2024, since 2024),
- Member University Committee for the Assurance of Education Quality (2020-2024),
- Member of the Council Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2019-2020, 2020-2024),
- Chairman of the Faculty Educational Programme Committee (2020-2024),
- Member of the Opinion Group (BFUNK Programme Group) (since 2022) - Office of Technical Inspection
- Coordinator of the team work at the Gdańsk University of Technology for the course: Functional safety Ib in the framework of the UDT-CERT person certification program in cooperation with the Office of Technical Inspection and the Warsaw University of Technology (since 2017),
- Participation in the functional safety and cybersecurity expert team of the Office of Technical Inspection (since 2008),
- Participation in the expert team and cooperation with the Polish Safety and Reliability Association PSRA (since 2006),
- Member of the expert team of the Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements PIAP (2009-2014),
- Member of the Polish Technology Platform for Safety Systems PPTSB (2006-2011)
external scientific placements
- European Space Agency ESA, European Space Research and Technology Centre ESTEC, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands (2013)
membership in scientific institutions
- Member of the PZU-Lab scientific team within the framework of the Competence Pyramid for the chemical, petrochemical and energy industries (since 2014),
- Member of the ASE Automatic Systems Engineering research team (since 2012),
- Member of the scientific and organizational team for cooperation with the Office of Technical Inspection under the UDT-CERT certification programme (since 2008),
- Scientific and research cooperation with the Polish Safety and Reliability Association PSRA (since 2003)
scientific interests
- integrated approach in the functional safety and information security analyzes of a control and protection systems,
- methods of hazard identification and analysis HAZID, HAZOP, C-HAZOP,
- determining of the required safety integrity level SIL,
- probabilistic modelling of industrial control systems ICS,
- verification of safety integrity levels SIL,
- designing industrial control systems ICS and safety instrumented systems SIS,
- reliability analyses: ETA, FTA, RBD, FMEA, FMECA, FMEDA and NFR,
- layer of protection analysis LOPA,
- functional safety and cybersecurity in the critical infrastructure systems and object,
- reliability and diagnostics of industrial control and safety-related systems
publications/scientific profile
awards and distinctions
- Rector Award for scientific achievement: II degree (2020),
- Bronze Medal for the Long Service (2019),
- Rector Award for didactic achievement: III degree (2016),
- Rector Award for organizational achievement: III degree (2012),
- Lotos Group S.A. Scholarship for outstanding scientific activity (2004)