Dean of Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
date of birth
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (1988)
degree/scientific title
- habilitation – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2013),
- Ph.D. – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (1997)
- Gdańsk University of Technology: assistant (1988–1997); assistant professor (1997–2012); senior lecturer (2012–2013); associate professor (since 2013)
academic positions
- Dean of Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (since 2020)
- Vice-Dean for organisation of studies (2016-2020),
- Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Control Systems and Informatics (2017-2020)
institutional functions
- Member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering (since 1997),
- Member of the Committee on Thermodynamics and Combustion PAN (since 2007),
- Presidium Member of the Committee on Thermodynamics and Combustion PAN (since 2016),
- Government expert of the European Defence Agency (EDA) (2004–2008)
external scientific placements
- USA, Geometrics, REF TEK Canada (2006)
membership in scientific institutions
- Program committee member of the International Conference SPETO (since 2017)
scientific interests
- location and identification of ferromagnetic objects by magnetometry method,
- electrical and magnetic signatures of ships,
- magnetometric method ship detection systems,
- measurements of ship's physical fields
publications/scientific profile
awards and distinctions
- Silver medal in the INNOWACJE 2010 competition for the invention "The method and system for determining the frequency characteristics of superconducting magnets" (collective work) (2010),
- Silver Cross of Merit (2001),
- Rector Awards for scientific achievements: II degree (4) III degree (1),
- Rector Awards for scientific and development achievements: II degree (2) III degree (1),
- Rector Awards for didactic achievements: II degree (1)