Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
date of birth
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering (1995)
degree/scientific title
- PhD – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering (2001)
- Gdańsk University of Technology: assistant professor (2002–2011); reader (2011–2019); university professor (since 2019)
academic positions
- Vice-Dean for student affairs at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (since 2024)
- Vice-Dean for organisation of studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2019-2024),
- Plenipotentiary of the Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering for Environmental Engineering (2016–2019),
- Vice-Dean for Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering studies (2008–2016),
- Plenipotentiary of the Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering for extramural studies (2006–2008)
institutional functions
- Member of the Chapter of the prof. Szczęsny (2024),
- Member of the Faculty Commission for Quality Assurance of Education (since 2012),
- Chairman of the Programme Committee of the Faculty Civil Engineering and Environment (2008–2016) and Co-Chairman (since 2016),
- Coordinator of the Civil Engineering and Environment Department of the POWR.03.05.00-00-Z044/17 Integrated Development Programme of the Gdańsk University of Technology,
- Member of the Programme Council of the Multi-Generational Polytechnic project,
- Member of the Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment (2008–2016),
- Member of the Programme Committee of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment (2006–2008),
- Mhairman of the Faculty Selection Committee (2007–2009, 2011–2013, 2015/2016),
- Secretary of the Faculty Selection Committee (2005–2007)
external scientific placements
- ERASMUS exchange Norwegian University of Life Science in Ås, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (2010)
participation in the implementation of research projects
- Member of the research team in the SUWMAB research project "Strategies for sustainable communal wastewater management in the Baltic Sea Region" (2014–2015),
- Member of the research team in the research project "Innovative solutions of sewage and sludge management for non-urbanized areas" PL0271 (2008–2011),
- Secretary and manager of one of the 4 tasks within the research project "New methods of reducing pollutant emissions and using by-products of sewage treatment plants" PL0085 (2007–2011)
scientific interests
- waste wastewater treatment plants,
- energy potential of sewage sludge, HHV and LHV,
- energy balance of sewage treatment plants, thermal utilisation of sludge,
- technical, legal and economic possibilities to use sewage sludge, biomass, renewable energy sources
publications/scientific profile
awards and distinctions
- Medal of Commission of the National Education (2016),
- Distinction in the National Competition FSNT-NOT Master of Technology 2010/2011,
- Rector Awards for scientific achievements: II degree (1) and III degree (1),
- Rector Awards for didactic achievements: I degree (1), III degree (3),
- Rector Awards for organizational achievements: I degree (1), II degree (2)