The aim of the project is to create a mechanism of financial support for scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff programmes. These programmes will enable participation in short forms of education (lasting from 5 to 30 days), which are aimed at increasing competences and qualifications. The project will contribute to the improvement of accessibility of international education programmes and will increase the mobility of the personnel both in the field of visits of representatives of Polish universities and scientific institutions abroad as well as arrivals of scholarship holders to Poland, including people from outside the EU.

Detailed information about PROM programme - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff, as well as the rules of recruitment were presented during the information meeting on the 13th of November 2019 (Wednesday) at 14:15. The meeting took place in the HV Building (GUT building no. 26 at Wlasna Strzecha 18A St, room WN 15).

Additional information about the project can be obtained electronically from the project manager (Prof. Arkadiusz Żak for FECE) or the project coordinators (Prof. Maciej Bagiński for FCh and FAPhM, Prof. Bogdan Pankiewicz for FETI, FME and FOEST, Prof. Magdalena Rucka for FCEE, FA and FME), as well as the project secretary (Ms Monika Grzonkowska from FECE) and the financial project assistant (Mrs Agnieszka Kliem from FECE) using the project e-mail address:


  1. PROM Programme prolonged by 18 months with the end date of the 31st of March 2023.
  2. Due to the recent decision of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 38/2020 from the 25th of June 2020 that cancels his previous decision No. 30/2020 from the 27th of May 2020, on the 17th of July 2020 we finally received an official confirmation from the University Authorities, which allows us to resume the PROM Programme.
  3. Gdańsk University of Technology took advantage of the option to extend the PROM Programme for further 18 months, so the current end date of this edition of the program is the 31st of March 2023, which means that each mobility financed by the PROM Programme must be finally completed and financially settled by the 20th of March 2023.
  4. At the same time, one should bear in mind the restrictions on the freedom to travel, which result from the prevailing epidemic situation both in Europe and in the world (please see your government official websites for the most recent information).
  5. In addition, we would like to remind you that due to the current epidemic situation we recommend purchasing airline tickets with the possibility of their return or change of date free of charge, booking a stay at the place of implementation of a short form of education with the possibility of its cancellation at no cost, etc.
  6. We would like to inform you that in the case of people who have qualified for the trips, and who have not been completed due to the current epidemic situation (cancellation of conferences, workshops, etc.), it is possible to submit new travel applications by e-mail (without the need to send attachments and declarations).


The call for applications is open ...

  1. Applications should be submitted by e-mail, or presonally at the Project Office, to the project Secretary Ms Monika Grzonkowska - applications submitted are evaluated continously by the members of the Project Recruitment Committee.
  2. The Project Office is located in Gdańsk Tech building no. 26, room 102 (phone +48 58 347-24-16) and is open between 8:00 and 11:00. 
  3. Still there are 8 vacancies for conferences (5-7 days) as well as 8 vacancies for internships (up to 10 days), all for Gdańsk Tech PhD students. There are no vacancies for visiting Gdańsk Tech by foreign PhD students or academics.


  1. PROM Programme prolonged by 18 months with the end date of the 31st of March 2023.
  2. According to the project priorities the financial support under the current PROM programme is available only to those PhD students, who are under 40 on the date of the project end.
  3. Participation in international conferences as well as research/investigation activities should be completed on the date of the project end, i.e. on the 20th of March 2023.
  4. The PROM Program, in any forms of participation financed by the Program, does not allow double financing, i.e. simultaneous covering of costs from more than one source, as well as receiving support financed or co-financed from European Funds during participation in the PROM Project.
  5. The second edition of the PROM program is addressed to those who did not participate in the first edition of the PROM Program. The participation of persons who participated in the first edition of the Program is only possible in fully justified and reasoned cases.

The project recruitment committee reserves itself the right to amend the text of regulations, if necessary.