Gdańsk Tech results in EngiRank - european ranking of engineering programs | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-11-22

Gdańsk Tech results in EngiRank - european ranking of engineering programs

EngiRank covered 178 technical universities and engineering programmes from 27 European Union countries, including 18 universities from Poland. Gdańsk University of Technology was ranked 64th in Europe in the institutional ranking and second in Poland after AGH University.

Gdańsk Tech received the highest marks in the indicators: research, internationalisation and interdisciplinarity.

Our University was also ranked in seven fields of engineering: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, environmental engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering and medical engineering.

The top place went to Technical University of Denmark, Delft University of Technology and KU Leuven.

The EngiRank methodology, in addition to traditional indicators like publications and citations or internationalization, took into account: collaboration with industry, joint research with business, patents, contribution to sustainable development goals, participation in the EU programs (Horizon and Erasmus+), and engineering accreditations (ENAEE, ABET).

The data for the ranking came from the Scopus, European Patent Office PATSTAT, Horizon Europe, accrediting organizations for engineering studies (ABET, ENAEE), and the Erasmus+ database.

You can find more information about EngiRank and its methodology in the following links:

Results of EngiRank

Methodology of Institutional Ranking

Methodology of Rankings by Subject