Quick employment and good earnings. Results of the survey of the professional careers of Gdańsk Tech graduates | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2019-08-05

Quick employment and good earnings. Results of the survey of the professional careers of Gdańsk Tech graduates

 There are there students of GUT in the picture.

Quick employment and good earnings. Results of the survey of the professional careers of Gdańsk Tech graduates

Graduates of Gdańsk University of Technology easily find a job and are satisfied with the chosen university, and their salary is among the highest in the country. This is confirmed not only by the results of the annual survey of the professional careers of people who graduated from Gdańsk Tech, but also the list prepared by Sedlak & Sedlak.

The sixth and seventh edition of the study was conducted by the Team for monitoring the careers of graduates of Gdańsk University of Technology composed of PhD Michał Tomczak (team coordinator, Faculty of Management and Economics), PhD Marta Szeluga-Romańska (FMandE), PhD Paweł Ziemiański (FMandE), MSc Monika Downar (head of Careers Office) and Maria Doerffer, MA (acting Head of the International Relations Office).

The research sample totalled 4 500 people, including over 2 500 graduates from the year 2015 and almost 2 000 people who graduated in 2016. In both cases, about 92% of the respondents were professionally active, of which almost half found work during their studies! Another 16% were employed immediately after graduation, and a further 16% within up to three months after obtaining the diploma. Of the few per cent of people who were not professionally active, the largest proportion are those who continue their education at the second level of study.

- It is worth noting that in the European Union, younger people are more at risk of unemployment. The fact that such a large group of respondents declare that there are no problems with finding a job is optimistic - emphasizes PhD. Michał Tomczak.

Over 80% of graduates were employed under an employment contract. A similar percentage declared that their profession is consistent or partly consistent with the field of education completed at Gdańsk University of Technology. Above 70% of respondents (75% for 2015 and 80% for 2016, respectively) were employed as an engineer/specialist, and almost 10% in a managerial position. It is worth noting that about 60% of respondents raise previously acquired qualifications.

As many as 95% of graduates of both surveyed years were satisfied with graduating from Gdańsk University of Technology. Over 85% said they were satisfied with the faculty and almost 80% with their field of study. About 75% of graduates considered the knowledge they gained at the university useful in their professional life. In addition, above 55% also indicated the usefulness of the skills and competences obtained during studies.

The concept of the study was developed by research and teaching staff of the Faculty of Management and Economics and the head of the Careers Office. The Office also created a database of respondents' addresses, sent surveys and monitored the responses. The research tool in the form of an electronic questionnaire was prepared by the employees of the GUT IT Center.

The knowledge and skills of graduates of Gdańsk University of Technology translate into their earnings. The HR consulting company Sedlak & Sedlak analyzed the salaries of people with higher education whose total seniority in 2018 did not exceed one year. Those who can boast a GUT diploma came in fifth position in terms of monthly total salaries and in third position among technical university graduates.