Kyoto Success of PhD student from the Faculty of Chemistry | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-01-17

Kyoto Success of PhD student from the Faculty of Chemistry

Dorota Garwolińska, a PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry

Dorota Garwolińska, a PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry, took second place in the competition for young scientists, organized at the December HPLC2019 conference in Kyoto, Japan.

The HLPC 2019 conference (49th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques) is a meeting dedicated to high performance liquid chromatography and related techniques. This year, a competition for young researchers participating in the event was announced for the first time. The prize was to be awarded to young scientists selected from among the authors of posters submitted to the conference. The jury selected 10 young researchers who in the next stage of the competition were to present their work in a short lecture. Among the three best presenters, the doctoral student Dorota Garwolińska came second. The first prize went to a scientist from Spain, while the third place went to a representative of Japan. The award included a statuette and a cash prize.

MSc., Eng. Dorota Garwolińska from the Faculty of Chemistry works on her doctorate under the supervision of Professor Agata Kot-Wasik and PhD, Eng. Weronika  Hewelt-Belka. Her work entitled ‘Impact of storage condition on human breast milk stability in LC-MS based metabolomic studies’ is the result of research conducted under a grant funded by the National Science Center under the OPUS project "Dynamics of breast milk composition. Long-term metabolomic analysis of breast milk.

Two other works were also presented during the conference. PhD, Eng. Weronika Hewelt-Belka gave a presentation entitled ‘Human Breast Milk Metabolomics - a new insight into the composition of human milk metabolites. Benefits and limitations’. During the poster session, a poster entitled ‘Comparative lipidomics of human breast milk samples and formula milk with the use of LC Q TOF MS’ was presented by a group from the Faculty of Chemistry: Professor Agata Kot-Wasik, PhD, Eng. Weronika Hewelt-Belka, Dorota Garwolińska and Michał Młynarczyk.