First prize for an architecture graduate in the 3rd edition of the "Diploma with Archicadem" competition | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-08-20

First prize for an architecture graduate in the 3rd edition of the "Diploma with Archicadem" competition

 "Czahary" Didactic Centre, author Jakub Tejer

Jakub Tajer, an architecture graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, for his diploma project "Chary - Teaching Centre of the Polesie National Park", made under the direction of Dr Andrzej Prusiewicz, received the first prize in the category of master's diploma in the 3rd edition of the competition "Diploma with Archicad".


Designed by Jakub, "Czahary" Didactic Centre is located in the northern part of a huge floodplain called Bubnów Marsh, which is part of the Polesie National Park, in the Lublin region.  Currently, there is a landscape path there in the form of a wooden bridge, allowing for a walk into the wetland. It was the main inspiration for the new facility. More information[here].