Awards for the best diploma thesis | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-01-05

Awards for the best diploma thesis

Gold cup on red background.

The end of the year is traditionally a time for rankings and summaries. The year 2020 was certainly "unusual", but we would like to end this difficult year on a positive note. There is a unique opportunity to do so - the announcement of the winners of the Competition of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering for the best thesis in the academic year 2019/20.
Due to significant pandemic constraints, unfortunately, Ms Dean cannot present the awards traditionally at the formal Faculty Council meeting. We have no choice but to announce the winners via online media, which we are pleased to do.
The award of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
•    for the best engineering thesis in Civil Engineering goes to Magdalena Knak, Eng.;
•    for the best MSc thesis in Civil Engineering goes to Beniamin Kondys, MSc and Paweł Pieczka, MSc;
•    for the best engineering thesis in Geodesy and Cartography goes to Mateusz Poniatowski, Eng.;
•    for the best MSc thesis in Environmental Engineering goes to Jeremiah Otieno, MSc.