First honourable mention to Maciej Starostka, PhD, in the competition for the J. P. Schauder Prize for young mathematicians | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-01-11

First honourable mention to Maciej Starostka, PhD, in the competition for the J. P. Schauder Prize for young mathematicians

PhD Maciej Starostka

First honourable mention to Maciej Starostka, PhD, in the competition for the J. P. Schauder Prize for young mathematicians.

In the last days of December 2020, the J. P. Schauder University Centre for Nonlinear Research in Toruń announced the results of the first edition of the competition for the Prize for Young Mathematicians.  The competition aims to identify and support the best Polish young mathematicians working in the field of broadly defined nonlinear analysis. Apart from the main prize awarded to Dr Jacek Jendrej (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord), the Jury, emphasising the very high level of the competition, decided to award distinctions. Among the mathematicians working in Poland, our employee, Maciej Starostka, PhD (Department of Dynamic Systems) was awarded the first prize. Ex equo two second prizes were awarded to Dr Wojciech Górny (University of Warsaw) and MSc Marcin Sroka (Jagiellonian University).

The paper submitted for the competition by Maciej Starostka in cooperation with Luc Asselle (University of Giessen, Germany) was published in the excellent journal Calculus of Variations and PDEs, where it received very favourable reviews. The cooperation between Maciej Starostka and Luc Asselle intensified during a two-year postdoctoral internship in Germany, which Maciej Starostka completed within the framework of a bilateral NCN and DFG Beethoven project implemented at our Faculty and the University of Bochum. At present, the young mathematicians are implementing another research project remotely and they promise to present their results in another good publication soon. We wish them good luck!