Recognition of the diploma thesis of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering graduates in the PTE competition | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-04-07

Recognition of the diploma thesis of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering graduates in the PTE competition

 The photo shows a navy blue flag with the white logo of the Gdańsk University of Technology against the sky.

XXIV edition of the Lucjan Hofman Competition for Master's Theses and the XVII edition of the Witold Andruszkiewicz Bachelor's Theses Competition for 2020, organized by the Polish Economic Society (PTE) Gdańsk branch has been resolved.

In the category of master's theses, the thesis of M.Sc. Eng. Bartosz Maciąg and M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof MilewskiAlgorithms supporting operator decisions in a biological wastewater treatment plant, last year's graduates of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology was awarded in the form of publication of the thesis on the website ( in the STREFA WIEDZY tab).

The master's thesis was carried out at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Control Systems and Informatics under the supervision of D.Sc. Eng. Robert Piotrowski, university professor.