The September re-take exam session at Gdańsk Tech will be carried out remotely | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-07-12

The September re-take exam session at Gdańsk Tech will be carried out remotely

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The re-sit session in the summer semester of the 2020/21 academic year at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held on the same terms as the basic session - i.e. in the remote formula.

The authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology, after looking into the Gdańsk Tech Student Government's application, decided that the rules for the basic session would be maintained during the September re-sit session.

Thus, the summer semester re-take session at Gdańsk University of Technology (11-19 September 2021) will be held remotely using electronic means of communication: this applies to both credits and exams.

In individual cases, the dean of a given faculty, after obtaining the consent of the students and the academic teacher conducting the classes, may, however, decide on the form of crediting a given course in full-time mode.

Information on how to organize the 2021/2022 winter semester will be provided in the second half of July this year, taking into account the currently applicable regulations.

Legal basis:

The above rules for conducting the summer session take into account the rules set out in the Rector's Decree No. 1/2021 (link below), which comply with the current, common legal regulations, specified in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Science of 25 February 2021 on "temporary limitation of the operation of certain entities of the higher education system and science in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19" (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 363 - link below). In the event of changes to the common regulations, having a possible impact on the change of the above rules, they will be determined by another Decree of the Gdańsk Tech rector.