Regulations for the winter examination session and organization of classes | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-01-15

Regulations for the winter examination session and organization of classes

examination session
The winter examination session at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held remotely, but exceptions to this rule will be possible. Classes in the summer semester will also be held in the current remote form, unless new guidelines are issued in this regard by the Ministry of Science and Education.  

In the summer semester, classes at Gdańsk University of Technology and Doctoral Schools will be carried out remotely and using distance learning methods and techniques. This rule will remain in force until the possible end of the pandemic state, or the lifting of government restrictions, orders and regulations relating to combating its effects.

However, it will be possible - both at full-time and part-time studies - to conduct some of the classes in a mixed (hybrid) form, i.e. at the university - observing sanitary rules and restrictions.

  • However, such a possibility applies only to subjects that cannot be implemented remotely, as well as part or all of the subjects planned for implementation in the last year of first-cycle or second-cycle studies and uniform Master's studies (depending on the field of study),
  • The list of classes relating to the above principle will be prepared on an ongoing basis by the deans of individual faculties (depending on a possible change in the epidemic situation),
  • Information on these classes will be posted on the faculty websites,
  • A similar rule applies in Doctoral Schools, where the list of practical (traditional) classes will be prepared by the heads.

Moreover, physical education classes at the GUT Academic Sports Center in the summer semester will also be conducted in a hybrid form, which includes:

  • Conducting traditional classes for students interested in this form (in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector),
  • Possibility to conduct classes remotely for students who do not want or cannot participate in full-time classes.

Winter examination session also in remote form

Exams and credits in the winter session, completing individual classes and verifying the learning outcomes, will also be held remotely using electronic means of communication. This also applies to the defense of theses.

There are, however, exceptions to this rule.

  • It will be possible to conduct the diploma examination in a traditional way, in accordance with the rules and means of self-protection. In order to be able to use this option, the student will be required to submit an application to the Dean of his/her faculty,
  • In justified cases, it will also be possible to conduct individual exams and / or tests in a stationary form at the university (this also applies to tests at Doctoral Schools), or in a mixed form - in compliance with sanitary and epidemic requirements and in accordance with applicable regulations,
  • Decisions on the organization of exams and credits are made by the deans of faculties in consultation with the teacher responsible for the subject and the starost of the year (in the case of Doctoral Schools - school heads).

More details available HERE