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The Early Career Researcher Day is one of the projects that response to the university employees’ and PhD students’ needs. It is a place of integration, initiation and strengthening of cooperation, as well as exchange of information between researchers at the early, but not only, stage of their career.

On September 14, 2023, the 1st Early Career Researcher Day took place. It consisted of 3 panels:

Lecture (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)

(in Polish)

A popular science lecture on how to popularize science in an accessible way by Dawid Myśliwiec of "Naukowy Bełkot".

Dawid Myśliwiec is a PhD of chemical sciences, a Polish internet creator, founder of two popular science YouTube channels - "Uwaga! Naukowy Bełkot" and "Wyłącznie Naukowy Bełkot", where you can find film on various issues from different fields of science, scientific interesting facts and the author's podcast "Godzina Przegadana". Dawid regularly appears at national science festivals and science competitions since 2010.

Meeting with the Rector (11:15 a.m to 12:15 p.m.) 

(in Polish, possibility to ask questions in English)

An open dialogue between the authorities and the academic community is extremely important, therefore, during the conference, Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology answered the most bothering questions of employees, doctoral students and students. 

Science Dating (12:45 p.m. to 13:45 p.m.)

(in Polish/English)

The scientific speed dating panel aimed to initiate and strengthen cooperation in a non-committal and friendly formula. All the researchers participating in the scientific dates had the opportunity to talk about their research and projects, exchange experiences, establish a network of contacts and start possible cooperation during the several-minute talks.

There were registration for all the panels.

Download the schedule (pdf, 2.04MB)

An additional attraction was delicious ice cream created using liquid nitrogen, served by chemists from the scientific association of Polymer Technology TECH-POL. The members of the association also provided a solid portion of knowledge.
