• 2024-05-20

    Let's talk about Work addiction - a global problem that is not talked about

    The HR Center in cooperation with the of Young Researchers Office invite Gdańsk Tech employees and PhD students to the meeting "Work addiction - a global problem that is not talked about." The meeting will be held on May 22 from 12:00 to 14:00 in room 205 in the Main Building. We will talk about what workaholism is, what consequences it has for physical and mental health, and how to...

  • 2024-03-21

    Let's talk about the brand of a researcher – is it worth it to devote time, attention and (perhaps) money?

    The HR Center in cooperation with the Young Researchers Office invite employees and PhD students of Gdańsk Tech to the meeting "Let's talk about the brand of a researcher – is it worth it to devote time, attention and (perhaps) money?”. The meeting will take place on 26 March from 13:00 to 15:00 (Main Building, room 205). We will talk about how to plan your "personal brand" well and...

  • 2024-03-21

    Learning about the duties of the supervisor at the Doctoral School

      The Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology executing the provisions of Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy 2022-2025 (Action 28), established solutions to ensure mandatory familiarization of prospective supervisors with the scope of their rights and duties. Currently, a candidate for a supervisor, by submitting  their candidature in the questionnaire of a prospective supervisor...

  • 2023-11-24

    December 8, we'll talk about how not to go bankrupt before Christmas - invitation

    HR Center invites employees and PhD students of Gdansk Tech to the meeting "Let's talk about how not to go bankrupt before Christmas", which will be held on December 8 from 8.30 to 10.30 in Room 205 in the main building. The event will be the fourth meeting in the series "Let's talk about..., let's talk to...", which is one of the activities of the HR4R strategy for the years 2022-2025 and...

  • 2023-11-24

    Summary of the year of activity of the Team of early career researchers

    The meeting summarizing more than a year of activity of the team monitoring the conditions of development and research conducted by early career researchers took place on November 16 this year. In addition to the team members, the meeting was also attended by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdansk University of Technology, prof. Janusz Nieznański, vice-rector for Internationalisation and...

  • 2023-11-22

    Personal changes in the Team of earlycareer researchers

    On October 30, 2023, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdansk Tech, appointed 3 new members of the Team to monitor the conditions for development and research conducted by earlycareer researchers: Michał Kwask, PhD in place of Joanna Badach, PhD, (Faculty of Architecture); Mykola Shopa, PhD in place of Bartosz Trawiński. PhD, (Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics); Roksana...

  • 2023-10-18

    Let's talk about artificial intelligence - invitation

    On November 14, we will talk about artificial intelligence and its concerns. HR Center invites employees and PhD students of Gdańsk Tech to the meeting "Let's talk about why we should(n't) be afraid of artificial intelligence - the psychological aspects of AI", which will take place on November 14, 12 pm - 2 pm, in room 205 in the main building. The event will be the third meeting of the...

  • 2023-09-22

    Early Career Researcher Day is behind us - photo gallery

    The first Early Career Researcher Day at Gdańsk Tech was dynamic, substantive and was received very positively by early stage and experienced researchers, students and administration employees of our University. Dawid Myśliwiec, PhD, a Polish internet creator, founder of two popular science YouTube channels - "Uwaga! Naukowy Bełkot" and "Wyłącznie Naukowy Bełkot", guided the audience...