let's talk

In April 2023, in accordance with the action plan set out in the Gdańsk Tech HRS4R for 2022-2025, the HR Center inaugurated a series of meetings "Let's talk about ... let's talk to ...". The project is a response to the university employees’ needs to create an opportunity to exchange information, good practices and integration. The topics discussed at the meetings are assumed to touch on matters important to the entire academic community of Gdańsk University of Technology, including those from the areas of everyday life.


22.05.2024 - "Lets' talk about work addiction - a global problem that is not talked about" (Paweł Atroszko, PhD, DSc)

26.03.2024 -  "Let's talk about the brand of a researcher – is it worth it to devote time, attention and (perhaps) money?" (Paweł Banaszek)

 8.12.2023 – „Let's talk about how not to go bankrupt before Christmas” (Piotr Kasprzak, PhD)

14.11.2023 – "Let's talk about why we should(n't) be afraid of artificial intelligence - the psychological aspects of AI" (Agata Rudnik, PhD)

29.06.2023 – “Let's talk about Gdańsk Tech HRS4R” (Agnieszka Lendzion, PhD, Eng, Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng)

27.04.2023 Let's talk about neurodiversity and how to support and work with people on autism spectrum” (Agata Rudnik, PhD)