Trial access to the PressReader platform | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-10-22

Trial access to the PressReader platform

logo PressReader i zdjęcie interfejsu na telefonie komórkowym
| 25.10. - 30.11.2021

PressReader is the press and thematic magazines from around the world in one place.

  • 7,000+ world-wide electronic titles from 120+ countries
  • unlimited e-press and thematic e-magazines (no limit on the number of users)
  • titles in over 60 foreign languages
  • access 24h / 7: online & offline

The platform provides access to the press on the following topics: business, politics, automotive, IT & technology, art, design, sport, photography, travel and culture.
Among the titles are: Newsweek, Forbes, Inc., The Guardian, El Pais, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Washington Post, Popular Science, Science Illustrated, People, Corriere Della Sera.

The platform can be used on all mobile devices. Reader-friendly solutions were used: text magnification and reading (text-to-speach), alerts monitoring topics of interest to the reader, and automatic translation of the publication into 18 languages.

Trial period | until November 30th
Access | Gdańsk Tech network and remotely via the HAN system
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