Gdańsk Tech and the Order of the Twisted Oak – prizes awarded | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-11-09

Gdańsk Tech and the Order of the Twisted Oak – prizes awarded

grafika drzewa na tle zdjęcia budynku Politechniki Gdańskiej

On the 31st of October 2023, the game "Gdańsk Tech and the Order of the Twisted Oak", organized by the Gdańsk Tech Library and the Institute of Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics), officially concluded.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the game and congratulate on solving the puzzles and completing the tasks!

Acting Director of the Gdańsk Tech Library Dr. Anna Dąbrowska drew three sets of prizes from among participants who left the Rogue’s Map and the seals at the branch libraries or sent them by e-mail.

These prizes will be given to:

  1. Sabina S.
  2. Mikołaj Z.
  3. A person with a nickname Quaccmail

We also awarded to equivalent prizes to two participants who were the first to submit their Rogue’s Maps with complete sets of seals on the 23rd of October at 317 pm.

Those participants are: Zuzanna P. and Jakub Ł.

Congratulations! We will contact the participants who won the prizes by e-mail.

We prepared gifts for all participants. They can be picked up at the Nanotechnology Regional Library from the 13th to the 30th of November during the opening hours.
Letter of thanks from Techwarts