For many of us, sport is the meaning of life. If, like us, you like to spend time actively, and you are not indifferent to the fate of young talents, you probably know that success consists of many elements. These are, above all, natural talent, hard work, but also financial support.
There are 27 sports sections at the university, and Gdańsk University of Technology representations cover many disciplines, such as powerlifting, basketball, volleyball, sailing and snowboarding. Gifted young athletes achieve numerous successes at tournaments and win many medals.
Thanks to your support, dreams of a sports career are easier to achieve.
We have created the first swimming section in Poland based on members of one university (employees, students and graduates) - the Masters Section, whose training plan was prepared by Alicja Pęczak-Graczyk - five-time medalist of the World Championships.
We organize Gdańsk Tech CAMP summer sports camps and Gdańsk Tech CAMP KIDS activities for children.
More information at Sportowa Politechnika