There are over 80 student clubs at Gdańsk University of Technology, which gather young, committed people with creative visions, noticing unusual solutions or wanting to pursue new ideas and their passions.
Imagine that it is thanks to your support that these young people will be able to take part in new amazing projects. Our students are already developing and creating, among others cars, submarines, bridges, applications, build prototypes, thanks to which they contribute to the exploration of space, waters or roads. The results of our students' research are used by renowned institutions, including German or Swedish Space Research Agencies.
They are active locally, trying to use the acquired architectural knowledge to create a modern, ecological environment. By supporting our student clubs, you will gain the opportunity to help develop their educational and research projects.
Our clubs organize competitions, workshops, contests, and also take part in numerous contests and competitions. They are awarded many medals and reach high places in the rankings.