This procedure applies both to mobilities for training purposes, teaching and mixed mobilities (teaching + training). Depending on the type of the mobility - training, teaching, mixed trip, one shall select the appropriate type of documents to be completed (in the case of mixed mobilities, documents regarding teaching should be completed). The procedure applies to mobilities to countries covered by the program and partner countries. 

Mobility procedure

The mobility procedure must be completed no later than two weeks before departure. The procedure should be completed in the following order:  

1. in the case of mobility to one of the program countries, confirm the mobility with the receiving institution (if you registered for the training/course, confirm that you have been accepted; if you are going for job shadowing, schedule the date with the receiving institution); in the case of mobility to one of the partner countries, one needs to agree the possibility of mobility with the contract supervisor at Gdańsk University of Technology (the agreement supervisors are provided on the list of agreements) 

2. submit the mobility form under the Erasmus+ program in the applications system Zgłoszenia PG (you will be able to return to your application at subsequent stages of the mobility procedure) 

3. after submitting the form (clicking "send"), return to the form and attach the completed document named "Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Training" (training) or "Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Teaching" (teaching) 

4. an employee of the International Relations Office (DWM) will check whether the "Mobility Agreement" document has been completed correctly. The outgoing employee will receive an e-mail notification from system, confirming that the document has been checked by DWM and can/cannot be sent to the receiving institution. If the document requires corrections or supplementation, the outgoing employee will be asked to make changes and attach the corrected document again in the system “Zgłoszenia PG” - the DWM employee will check it again  

5. after the content of the "Mobility Agreement" has been accepted by DWM, print the document, sign it and send it to the receiving institution for signing (the document can be sent to the receiving institution by e-mail) 

6. attach the "Mobility Agreement" signed by yourself and the receiving institution to your application in the system “Zgłoszenia PG”  

7. then complete the mobility application:> mobility -> apply -> mobility application under the agreement. Upon completing the application, select Maria Doerffer as the administrator of funding, select the dean of a given faculty as the supervisor, and Rector Janusz Nieznański as the person approving the mobility. The application should also include the task number - contact DWM to obtain the number. When the application is approved by all the above-mentioned persons, generate the document in “Moja PG” system and attach it to your application in “Zgłoszenia PG”.

8. report your mobility via the system named
Odyseusz Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych; attach confirmation of reporting to your application in ”Zgłoszenia PG”. 

9. get insured through your department/faculty/unit or Security Office; attach insurance confirmation to your application in “ Zgłoszenia PG”. 

10. after submitting all required documents in “Zgłoszenia PG” system (i.e. "Mobility Agreement", application for mobility from “Moja PG”, insurance confirmation, registration confirmation from the Odyseusz system), a financial agreement will be generated between Gdańsk Tech and the outgoing employee (the outgoing employee will receive the contract by e-mail ). Print the agreement in two copies, sign it and send it by internal mail to DWM 

11. after the employee and then the rector sign the agreement, the funds are paid to the employee (DWM sends the contract to the rector for signature and informs the employee that the document has been signed). The signing of the agreement by the rector means that the mobility procedure is completed and the employee can start the mobility 

Settlement of the mobility

Immediately after returning, the employee is obliged to deliver in person or send by traditional mail confirmation of the stay abroad to DWM. The confirmation must be prepared on the letterhead of the receiving institution. The minimum information that must be included in the mobility confirmation from the receiving institution is specified in the Gdańsk Tech confirmation template. Note - depending on the type of mobility (training, teaching) and the country of stay (program country, partner country), there are different confirmation templates. 

The employee is also obliged to complete an online survey, which will be sent to the employee's e-mail address after completing the mobility.