What is the Polish Identification Number number (PESEL)?

The PESEL number is an eleven-digit numeric symbol that allows for easy identification of its holder. The PESEL number includes the date of birth, serial number, gender and a control number. Every Polish citizen has it.

Why is it worth having a PESEL number?

1. to handle official matters more easily
2. to have easier access to medical services, including vaccinations.
3. for easier online banking
4. to obtain a Polish phone number more easily


In order to obtain a personal identification number (PESEL), it is best to make an appointment at the City Hall online. Take the following documents when visiting the office:
1. completed and signed application
2. completed and signed application for temporary stay
3. passport (for inspection)

Obtaining a PESEL number is free of charge. The decision to grant a PESEL number is made immediately (if all formal requirements are met).