The Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a member of the Scientific Council of GDDKiA | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-10-23

The Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a member of the Scientific Council of GDDKiA

PhD, DSc, Eng. Joanna Żukowska, university professor, dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
PhD, DSc, Eng. Joanna Żukowska, university professor, dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, has been appointed to the group of experts of the Scientific Council by the General Director of National Roads and Motorways.

Prof. Joanna Żukowska has joined the group of scientists advising the General Director of National Roads and Motorways on tasks and challenges related to the development and maintenance of the national road network in Poland.

The Scientific Council at GDDKiA constitutes a permanent opinion-making team whose purpose is to advise on the tasks carried out by the General Director, including in particular: issuing opinions in the scope related to planning the development of the national road network; issuing opinions and advising on matters related to the change of regulations and technical requirements, instructions and other legal acts related to the tasks performed by the General Director, and issuing opinions on problems specified by him.

Among the members of the Council, apart from the representing Gdańsk University of Technology: prof. Joanna Żukowska and PhD, DSc, Eng. Kazimierz Jamroz from the Department of Road and Transport Engineering, FCEE, there are also: PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Rymsza, prof. R&BRI (chairman), prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Antoni Szydło (deputy chairman), PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Bohatkiewicz, LP professor, PhD, DSc, Eng. Władysław Gardziejczyk, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Zbigniew Giergiczny, PhD, DSc,. Eng. Karol Kowalski, WP professor, PhD, DSc, Eng. Paweł Mieczkowski, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Zbigniew Młynarek, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Jan Deja, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Tomasz Siwowski, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Stanisław Gaca, PhD, DSc, Eng. Jerzy Wawrzeńczyk, Śkp professor.