An agreement between universities and pharmacists | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-03-10

An agreement between universities and pharmacists

Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański (second from the left), vice-rector for internationalization and innovation, the Medical University of Gdańsk - by Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, and Gemini Polska – by Artur Łakomiec, President of the Management Board and Artur Sznek, Member of the Management Board. Photo Maciej Moskwa
Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański (second from the left), vice-rector for internationalization and innovation, the Medical University of Gdańsk - by Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, and Gemini Polska – by Artur Łakomiec, President of the Management Board and Artur Sznek, Member of the Management Board. Photo Maciej Moskwa
An interdisciplinary team will be created as a result of cooperation of experts from Gdańsk University of Technology, the Medical University of Gdańsk and Gemini Polska. The purpose of the newly established trilateral agreement is to jointly conduct research and development projects, which - thanks to the use of modern technologies - will contribute to the improvement of the health of Poles. Scientists from GUT will be involved in the preparation of proposed IT solutions.

The letter of intent was officially signed on 4 March at the Medical University of Gdańsk. Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański (second from the left), vice-rector for internationalization and innovation, the Medical University of Gdańsk – by Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, and Gemini Polska – by Artur Łakomiec, President of the Management Board and Artur Sznek, Member of the Management Board.

The joint activities assume, first of all, the creation of research and development teams for the prevention and promotion of health with the use of modern technologies in the field of e-health, as well as providing employees, students and doctoral students with tools and knowledge useful in the creation and implementation of innovative technological solutions in the field of pharmaceutical care.

The first pilot project will support patients who start taking a new drug for hypertension. Gemini Polska pharmacists, together with experts from the Medical University of Gdańsk, will develop a standard of conduct that can be implemented as part of pharmaceutical care.

- The need to develop quality standards for pharmaceutical services is particularly relevant today. In times of difficult access to clinics and doctors, pharmacists can help them in providing patients with professional care and the necessary substantive support. Our cooperation is aimed at developing effective solutions that will be optimal from the perspective of the challenges faced by Polish health protection. As a research university, we have the potential and experience in this field. I am convinced that the involvement of the scientific community of the Medical University of Gdańsk in pilot and research and development projects can bring great value, says Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science at the Medical University of Gdańsk.

Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology will be involved in the preparation of proposals for IT solutions supporting this process.

- Healthcare needs tools which, on the one hand, ensure the security of the processed data and, on the other hand, increase the degree of integration of individual aspects of care. New technologies can and should support healthcare in the field of obtaining, collecting and analyzing data using artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, mobile applications, embedded systems, etc. As part of our partnership with the Medical University of Gdańsk and Gemini Polska, we will search for the best technological solutions that meet the expectations of healthcare providers, medical care and - what is especially important - patients. We assume broad participation of research workers and students in this process - comments Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański, vice-rector for internationalization and innovation at Gdańsk University of Technology.

Further joint ventures will be related to the development of technologies supporting patient care and increasing the security of data processing and limiting the negative effects of drug abuse (polypragmasy) or drug conflicts. The initiators of the project also want to focus on rebuilding the health of Poles after the pandemic, in particular in the group of people over 40 and patients suffering from chronic diseases.

- Focus on the patient and their needs is part of the Gemini Polska mission. That is why we engage in projects that allow us to develop the health care system. Pharmaceutical care referred to, among others, in the act on the profession of pharmacist recently signed by the President of the Republic of Poland, is an important answer to the challenges of the present. New technologies, in turn, are the right move towards the future - says Artur Łakomiec, CEO of Gemini Polska.

- Pharmacists are a professional group which, together with doctors and other medical workers, should participate in caring for patients on the basis of complementarity. They can help the doctor monitor drug therapies and educate about preventive health care. So it is essential to develop smart, functional and safe digital tools. I believe that our cooperation with outstanding specialists and experts from Gdańsk University of Technology and the Medical University of Gdańsk is just a step in this direction - adds Artur Sznek, member of the management board of Gemini Polska.