Another commune will benefit from the Accessibility Standards developed at Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-05-24

Another commune will benefit from the Accessibility Standards developed at Gdańsk Tech

In the photo from the left: PhD, DSc, Eng. Arch. Marek Wysocki, prof. of the university, Mieczysław Grzegorz Gołówński, Mayor of Kartuzy, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation at Gdańsk Tech and Mateusz Puchalski, Innovation Broker from the Gdańsk Tech Knowledge and Technology Transfer Center Photo: Aleksandra Kocińska / CTWT Gdańsk Tech
In the photo from the left: PhD, DSc, Eng. Arch. Marek Wysocki, prof. of the university, Mieczysław Grzegorz Gołówński, Mayor of Kartuzy, prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation at Gdańsk Tech and Mateusz Puchalski, Innovation Broker from the Gdańsk Tech Knowledge and Technology Transfer Center. Photo: Aleksandra Kocińska / CTWT Gdańsk Tech
Gdańsk University of Technology and the Kartuzy commune have concluded a license agreement for the implementation of Accessibility Standards. Thus, Kartuzy joined the group of cities that declare the creation of architectural solutions accessible to all users, including people with special needs, i.e. the disabled, seniors, parents with children in prams or pregnant women.

–The Kartuzy Commune wants to be even more accessible and more open to all residents and its guests. It is especially important that the people with special needs among us can function independently in the local community, so that they can use universal services on an equal basis. Tools such as Accessibility Standards are helpful in achieving these goals - said Mieczysław Grzegorz Gołówński, the mayor of Kartuzy. – The signed contract will allow us to implement unified solutions based on the principles of universal design into the investment practice in the Kartuzy commune.

The following persons worked on the preparation and negotiation of the terms of the contract: MSc Mateusz Puchalski from the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Gdańsk Tech, legal advisor Joanna Ratasiewicz from the Legal Service for Intellectual Property and Projects at Gdańsk Tech and patent attorney PhD Justyna Pawłowska from the Gdańsk Tech Patent Attorneys Team.

Signing of the agreement

During the signing of the agreement Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by prof. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation, and the Kartuzy commune – by mayor Mieczysław Grzegorz Gołówński.

Accessibility Standards is a set of guidelines for the design and development of public space in accordance with the principles of universal design, the creator of which is PhD, DSc, Eng. Arch. Marek Wysocki, prof. of the university from the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk Tech rector's representative for accessibility and a member of the Accessibility Council at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy.

The solutions included in the Accessibility Standards provide people with special needs the opportunity to exercise their rights and be active in the local community. They will be able to freely and independently use public spaces such as: pedestrian routes, parks, stops, squares, a street or a boulevard. Solutions in line with the principles of universal design allow for greater integration of all residents and the creation of cities where the quality of life will increase.

In January 2021, the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area, as the first metropolis in Poland, introduced large-scale system solutions for people with disabilities and their assistants. They have been included in the document "Minimum Standards for People with Disabilities and the Environment". The document was created in cooperation with over 80 experts, including representatives of local governments, disabled people and their guardians, representatives of the health service, educational and therapeutic institutions as well as psychological and pedagogical counseling centers. Professor Wysocki is one of its co-authors.

– The developed document contains specific guidelines for the authorities of 59 local governments from the Metropolitan Area on how to implement measures to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their environment in metropolitan cities, communes and poviats. On the basis of the developed guidelines, construction investments in the metropolitan area will be regularly monitored in terms of the use of accessibility solutions. The implementation of Accessibility Standards significantly supports this process, explains Professor Marek Wysocki.

So far, the license agreement for Accessibility Standards with Gdańsk University of Technology has been concluded by the following cities: Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia, Starogard Gdański, Konin, Poznań and Środa Wielkopolska.

– Municipalities contact us with a need for the creation of new Accessibility Standards cards, among others dedicated to mass events. It is a very good tendency that there is a need for local governments to improve accessibility for people with special needs in all aspects of social life. Universal design is designing for ourselves, it is worth to remember it - emphasizes prof. Wysocki.