European patent for technology developed at Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-09

European patent for technology developed at Gdańsk Tech

Logo of Chitone
The European Patent Office (EPO) issued a positive decision on granting exclusive protection rights to Gdańsk University of Technology under the European patent for the innovative technology of chitosan-based hydrogels production - ChitoVelum®, which constitutes the foundations for the activities of Chitone Sp.z o.o. company.

The European Patent Office (EPO) issued a positive decision on granting exclusive protection rights to Gdańsk University of Technology under the European patent for the innovative technology of chitosan-based hydrogels production - ChitoVelum®, which constitutes the foundations for the activities of Chitone Sp.z o.o. company.

We informed about the first successes of the Chitone team and Gdańsk University of Technology less than two years ago in connection with winning the award in the 21st edition of the Polish Product of the Future competition in the "Joint product of the future by a higher education and science institution and an entrepreneur" category, and raising over PLN 25 million funding by the company for the implementation and development of chitosan-based hydrogel technology, ChitoVelum®.

– One of the long-term goals of our activity is to extend patent protection to new areas. We obtained funding to enter individual procedures of the Member States two years ago, but we could start only after obtaining a positive EPO decision, says Dr. Gorczyca, founder and president of the management board of Chitone.

At Gdańsk University of Technology this task is carried out by the Patent Attorneys Office, coordinated by Dr. Justyna Pawłowska.

An innovative method of dissolving chitosan.

The ChitoVelum® technology is an innovative method of dissolving chitosan using carbonic acid. Chitone scientists use this technology to develop and implement unique products, meeting the current market trends and customer needs, i.a. in the cosmetic and food industry.

– Thanks to ChitoVelum®, ChitoneCare products are uniquely natural, without ingredients negatively perceived by consumers. They provide a wide spectrum of activities that were originally applied for construction of advanced dressing materials - says M.Sc. Eng. Joanna Kowalczyk, head of the R&D Laboratory in Chitone, also a graduate of Gdańsk University of Technology. – ChitoVelum® creates a unique membrane that protects the skin against microorganisms, loss of moisture, firmness, and unfavorable external factors, and above all creates favorable conditions for skin regeneration after micro injuries.

Currently, the portfolio of the ChitoneCare brand includes 23 different items, including face cleansing and care products and a bestseller - a product designed to regenerate the skin after various types of irritation