NCN grants for Gdańsk Tech scientists | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-02

NCN grants for Gdańsk Tech scientists

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Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology obtained funding for the implementation of a total of 33 research projects under the MINIATURE 5, PRELUDIUM 20 and OPUS 21 competitions. The grant for Gdańsk Tech amounts to over PLN 11 million in total.  


  • "New catalysts based on base metals for electro-oxidation of ammonia", project manager: Justyna Łuczak, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,727,200.00
  • "Biotechnological and pharmacological potential of the microbiota of bee products", project manager: Piotr Szweda, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,751,800.00, amount for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 1,623,400.00 (Gdańsk Tech is the project leader)
  • "The role of ionic liquids in CO2 photoconversion" (Gdańsk Tech is the project partner), project manager: prof. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, PhD, DSc, Eng., (University of Gdańsk), at Gdańsk Tech the project is being carried out by Justyna Łuczak, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 2,490,020.00, amount for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 1,108,492.00
  • "PER2Water - Release of persistent organic pollutants from permafrost to surface waters" (Gdańsk Tech is the project partner), project manager: Danuta Szumińska PhD, DSc (Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz) at Gdańsk Tech the project is carried out by prof. Żaneta Polkowska, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,354,938.00, amount for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 562,920.00
  • "Topological and numerical methods in dynamical systems", project manager: Paweł Pilarczyk, PhD, DSc, professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, project amount: PLN 376 370.00
  • "The mechanism of biofilm formation by uropathogenic E. coli bacteria producing fimbrial adhesin Dr - studies of proteome and metabolome changes under static and dynamic culture conditions" (Gdańsk Tech is the project leader), project manager: Rafał Piątek, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,661,560.00, amount for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 932,040.00
  • "Management of bio fraction waste for two-stage biohydrogen production with simultaneous treatment of gaseous streams with green solvents", project manager: Jacek Gębicki, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,584,048.00
  • "Research on hybrid advanced reduction processes", project manager: Grzegorz Boczkaj, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 1,368,260.00


  • "Development of a method for identifying parameters and detecting damage in composite elements produced with an additive method using ultrasonic wave propagation", project manager: Erwin Wojtczak, MSc, Eng., supervisor: prof. Magdalena Rucka, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project amount: PLN 135,520.00
  • "Characterization of bioactive peptides from keratin from poultry feathers and products of their transformations occurring during the Maillard reaction", project manager: Antoni Taraszkiewicz, MSc, Eng., supervisor: Hanna Staroszczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 209,920.00
  • "How lipids modulate the association and localization of proteins within lipid membranes - studies using molecular simulations", project manager: Paweł Chodnicki, MSc, Eng., supervisor: Jacek Czub, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 65,800.00
  • "A new type of folic acid analogues and conjugates with potential application in the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors", project manager: Olga Ciupak, MSc, Eng., supervisor: Sebastian Demkowicz, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 209,960.00
  • "The influence of the crystal structure on the thermodynamics of proton transport in perovskite materials", project manager: Jagoda Budnik, MSc, Eng., supervisor: prof. Maria Gazda, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, project amount: PLN 208,600.00
  • "Antitumor activity of new 9,10-anthraquinone dithiocarbamate derivatives", project manager: Natalia Maciejewska, MSc, Eng., supervisor: prof. Maciej Bagiński, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 209,947.00
  • "Heat exchange and flow resistance during condensation in mini-channels of new refrigerants at parameters close to the thermodynamic critical point", project manager: Stanisław Głuch, MSc, Eng., supervisor: prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, project amount: PLN 140,000.00
  • "Study of the processes taking place in electric cells using microsherical fiber sensors with ALD ZnO thin-film coatings", project manager: Paulina Listewnik, MSc, Eng., supervisor: Małgorzata Szczerska, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, grant amount: PLN 60,390.00
  • "Photocatalysts designed on the basis of exposed crystalline planes and their use in water treatment", project manager: Szymon Dudziak, MSc, Eng., supervisor Anna Zielińska-Jurek, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 209 160.00
  • "Universal vector modulation algorithm for three-level, three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC circuit voltage balancing", project manager: Dmytro Kondratenko, MSc, Eng., supervisor: Arkadiusz Lewicki, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, project amount: PLN 70,000.00

OPUS is a competition addressed to scientists, regardless of the stage of their scientific career, who plan to implement research projects. On the other hand, PRELUDIUM is a competition for people who do not yet have a doctoral degree (on the day of submitting the project). The total amount of funding in the OPUS competition for Gdańsk Tech is PLN 9,282,730.00, and in the PRELUDIUM competition PLN 1,519,297.00.

More information and ranking lists on the National Science Center website


  • "Assessment of the impact of selected sterilization methods on changes in the mechanical behavior of porous structures shaped by melt deposition techniques from hybrid polymers and subjected to hydrolytic degradation under simulated conditions", project manager: Angela Andrzejewska, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project amount: PLN 49,995
  • "Measurement of the mass flow of a viscous liquid through a cylindrical orifice at laminar flow (CylOr)", project manager: Anna Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, project amount: PLN 9,170
  • "Influence of curing conditions on the development of concrete temperature - analysis of boundary conditions in experimental and numerical terms", project manager: Aleksandra Kuryłowicz-Cudowska, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project amount: PLN 43,032
  • "Study of the thermoelectric properties of high-entropic oxides with a perovskite structure", project manager: Tadeusz Miruszewski, PhD, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, project amount: PLN 49 500
  • "Construction of high-performance mathematical models based on the fractional calculus using new machine learning techniques as a tool for parameter identification", project manager: Anna Szafrańska, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, project amount: PLN 35,365
  • "Research on the influence of the position of the mounting plate on the stiffening of the first metatarsophalangeal joint", project leader: Karol Daszkiewicz, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project amount: PLN 33,301
  • "Study of magnetic anisotropy and relaxation dynamics for new heteroleptic Co (II) silane thiolates with tetrahedral geometry", project manager: Daria Kowalkowska-Zedler, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 28,600
  • "Searching for stakeholders of energy transformation in an edge city", Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek, PhD, DSc, Eng., Faculty of Architecture, project amount: PLN 18,370
  • "Research on the influence of biological treatment of lignocellulosic materials on the formation of dark fermentation inhibitors", project manager: Karolina Kucharska, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 47 630
  • "Desorption efficiency of perfluorinated compounds from microplastics in a model that takes into account the digestive process in fish and humans", project manager: Aneta Pacyna-Kuchta, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 28,050
  • "Msplit (q) estimation of parameter displacements using multivariate conditions binding competing parameters", project manager: Marek Zienkiewicz, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project amount: PLN 42,154
  • "Characteristics of the cellulose liquefaction process and analysis of end products", project manager: Paulina Kosmela, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 30,800
  • "Development and application of a method enabling the analysis of the composition of human milk oligosaccharides", Dorota Garwolińska, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 49,775
  • "Removal of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds from the air in a biofilter with a trickling bed in the presence of deeply eutectic liquids", project manager: Piotr Rybarczyk, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Chemistry, project amount: PLN 39,270
  • "Optimization of the parameters of mechanical structures in terms of achieving the assumed dynamic properties", project manager: Łukasz Doliński, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, project amount: PLN 24,640

In the MINIATURE competition, applications were submitted for the implementation of a single research activity (preliminary / pilot research, query, research internship, research trip or consultation trip). The total amount of funding for Gdańsk Tech under the Miniatura competition is PLN 529,652.00.

More information on the website of the National Science Center

The scientific profiles of project managers and their supervisors can be found on the MOST Wiedzy portal.