A film walk around Gdańsk Tech – a new film promoting the university | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-04-21

A film walk around Gdańsk Tech – a new film promoting the university

A beautiful girl in the Main Building
Over 30 locations, dozens of students, shots from dawn to dusk, in laboratories, under water and in the air... The new promotional film about Gdańsk University of Technology is the result of the cooperation of many people. Take a film walk, or rather a "hyperlapse" sprint around our university.

The latest promotional film about Gdańsk University of Technology is a combination of several very innovative ways of filming, e.g. Hyperlapse technique, which gives the impression of flying through rooms in accelerated time and allows you to get the effect of teleporting the characters visible in the frame.

The film also uses aerial shots using fast and agile FPV (first person view) sports drones that can fly at speeds of up to 140 km/h. The filmmakers' arsenal of tools also included classic film drones, which, thanks to their precision and repeatability of movement, could take identical shots at night and during the day, which allowed for an effective transition, commonly known as "day to night", to the main building. The extras visible in the project are students and employees of the Gdańsk University of Technology.

The film was made by Mova Film sp z o.o. from Gdańsk, a company with several years of experience in film production (formerly Wytwórnia Filmów Kalina) together with the operator Tomasz Walczak from Bielsko-Biała. The script was developed by the Promotion and Press Release Office, which was responsible for the entire project.

The new promotional film was created thanks to the help and commitment of many employees and students of Gdańsk University of Technology, who supported the film crew at various times of the day and night, for which we would like to thank everyone very much!