Date added: 2023-06-13
The best chapter in the world led by prof. Krzysztof Nyka

A Chapter is the basic unit of the largest international organization associating specialists in the broadest field of electronics, electrical engineering, computer science and automation - IEEE. The organization owns the largest database of full-text scientific publications published under the auspices of IEEE - IEEE Xplore
Every year the IEEE organizes a contest for the best performing chapter. In this year's competition, the best in the world was IEEE Joint Chapter AP/MTT/AES (Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Technology/Aerospace and Electronic Systems, headed by Prof. Krzysztof Nyka from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics).
– Our branch is related to three thematic areas: antenna technology, radars and microwave technology – explains prof. Krzysztof Nyka. – Membership in the organization involves an annual fee, but the category of membership is awarded in recognition of professional experience and the level of internationally recognized contribution to the development of industry knowledge and technology.
IEEE chapters are an additional organizational formula of specialists from the same industry at the local (national in Europe) level. The basic activity is the organization of the so-called technical meetings, i.e. seminars, at which specialists often invited from around the world give lectures on the latest achievements in technology and science. The branches are also involved in the organization and technical sponsorship of international scientific conferences.
– Our branch is a co-organizer of the International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON and the International Radar Symposium held every two years as part of Microwave and Radar Week. The last edition of the conference took place in September 2022 at Gdańsk University of Technology. Moreover, we are the organizer and sponsor of awards in a nationwide competition for the best master's thesis in the field of microwave and radar technology.
The prize in the competition is a great prestige and appreciation of the work of Polish experts. The award was received by prof. Mateusz Malanowski from the Warsaw University of Technology during the RadarConf'23 conference in San Antonio, USA.
Prof. Krzysztof Nyka heads the distinguished branch for the second term (2021/22 and 2022/23). Under his leadership, the branch was also awarded another award similar to AES-S: 2022 MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award.