Yuxin Lu from is the third graduate of the Doctoral School | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-09-12

Yuxin Lu from is the third graduate of the Doctoral School

Yuxin Lu from the Faculty of Management and Economics is the third graduate to complete the Doctoral School of Gdańsk University of Technology in the new doctoral education system. He conducts his research in the field of economics and finance, focusing primarily on Chinese exports and imports of goods.

His doctoral thesis entitled "Essays on China's international trade - focus on One-Belt One-Road initiative" was written under the supervision of Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, PhD, DSc, professor at Gdańsk Tech. The reviewers were prof. Filippa Reganati from the University of Roma Sapienza, Stanisław Umiński, PhD, DSc, from the University of Gdańsk and prof. Jan Jakub Michałek from the University of Warsaw.

"One - Belt, One - Road" is a contemporary initiative of the authorities of the People's Republic of China, aimed at reactivating the Silk Road. It involves the expansion of the infrastructure network connecting China, the countries of Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe, and creates particularly favorable opportunities for cooperation in the field of infrastructure and financial projects. One of the main corridors connects China with Western Europe and runs through Russia, Belarus and Poland.

– The One-Belt, One-Road initiative is aimed not only at creating physical transport and trade connections, but also at broad economic, political and socio-cultural cooperation between China and the countries along the New Silk Road route – explains the scientist. – In my thesis, I mainly analyze the development of import and export of Chinese goods and the global value chain between China and its economic partners thanks to the reactivation of the Silk Road.

Yuxin Lu had been planning to study in Poland since high school, and Gdańsk University of Technology was a priority choice. He took advantage of the student exchange program between Gdańsk Tech and Yancheng Institute of Technology, where he completed his first-cycle studies.

– My stay at Gdańsk University of Technology is a very important time for me. I have been studying here since 2016, in a beautiful place, I met many scientists who have had a huge influence on me. During my doctoral studies, I had truly excellent working conditions and many opportunities for internships abroad, obtaining grants, and scientific and research exchanges with many European universities. I greatly admire and appreciate Polish culture, the local climate and nature. Polish cuisine, which I have come to know well, is also important. Pork chops and sour soup in bread are simply unrivaled - emphasizes Yuxin Lu.

After defending his doctorate, the scientist intends to return to China for a postdoctoral internship. In his research work, he will continue the topic of the "One-Belt, One-Road" initiative, in the context of recent proposals by the European Union and the USA "to eliminate industrial threats and reduce the dependence of economies on China."