Open recruitment for the kindergarten of Gdańsk University of Technology | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-10-13

Open recruitment for the kindergarten of Gdańsk University of Technology

kids  in the kindergarten
In September, a new kindergarten at Gdańsk University of Technology began operating. Employees and students of the Medical University of Gdańsk and the University of Gdańsk can still enroll their children on preferential terms.

The Gdańsk Tech MegaMocni (Megamind) facility was established for the children of employees, PhD students and students of Gdańsk University of Technology, but by decision of the university's Rector, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, this year the youngest can be registered by all members of the academic community of Fahrenheit Universities, including MUG and UG.

– At Gdańsk Tech, we really want the cooperation within the Fahrenheit Union of Universities to be multi-faceted and not only concern the scientific and research area – says Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector – Expanding the facility's offer will enable the integration of the FarU academic community also beyond laboratories or lecture halls, and the kindergarten will develop not only engineering talents, but also medical and humanities talents – he added.

The invitation also takes into account the preferential conditions under which Gdańsk University of Technology signed an agreement with the body running the facility - the DyNaMo Creative Development Association (MegaMocni).

To meet the needs of the youngest children, the facility has been completely refurbished, and the kindergarten spaces are bright and modern. The facility has a fenced playground divided into a recreational area and a garden, and inside there is a spacious activity room.

The preschool education offer includes a variety of activities, including: coding on the carpet with robotics, Social Skills Training (TUS), experiments, finger gymnastics, children's mathematics according to the concept of prof. E. Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska or sensoplasty.

The recruitment process and detailed information are provided by the operator of the facility - all interested persons are welcome to contact Kamil Lewandowicz directly,, tel. 797 350 372.

The number of places available is limited.