ENHANCE invites - Anti-Bias Lunch Breaks (online, March 14) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-03-07

ENHANCE invites - Anti-Bias Lunch Breaks (online, March 14)

We welcome employees, PhD students, and students to participate in a short, 60-minute webinar dedicated to bias management and discrimination prevention, which will take place on Thursday, March 14, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Prior registration is required. The event is organized as part of the ENHANCE+ project.

"We all have biases. There is nothing wrong with it. Unconscious bias affects everyone. It is important to become aware of own biases. Unconscious bias might lead to discrimination and inequality in some cases when it is not actively managed. This short training will give you the tools that you need."

"Anti-Bias Lunch Breaks" is a series of online meetings organized by the ENHANCE Alliance, aimed at combating discrimination in the workplace, at your university, and personal life. The webinars are led by Melih Özkardes - the ENHANCE Ombudsman for Diversity, who coordinates DEI - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion efforts within the Alliance.

The meetings include academic teachers, administrative staff, PhD students, and students from universities affiliated with the ENHANCE Alliance. The webinars are open to all interested individuals (not just those professionally engaged in bias prevention), for whom it is important for the university to be a place where everyone feels comfortable.

What do we discuss during the meetings? Among other things, unconscious biases, microaggressions, and intersectionality. By participating in the webinars, you can gain valuable knowledge in combating discrimination, learn new tools and techniques for managing your biases, and enhance communication skills.

The next meeting in the "Anti-Bias Lunch Breaks" series:
  • Thursday, March 14 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Zoom platform
  • language: English
  • register using this link meeting
  • format: discussion and individual/group exercises (no need to prepare in advance for participation in the meeting); participants will also receive additional materials for self-study/exercises

Are you interested in IDE topics? Sign up for the monthly ENHANCE NEWSLETTER

Employees/students/PhD students of Gdańsk Tech can participate in this event thanks to our university's membership in the ENHANCE Alliance. If you want to learn more, we encourage you to visit the website pg.edu.pl/international. You can also contact us at enhance@pg.edu.pl.