Gdańsk Tech's results in QS WUR by Subject 2024 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-04-15

Gdańsk Tech's results in QS WUR by Subject 2024

In the latest edition of the QS ranking, around 5,000 universities from all over the world met the eligibility criteria, and from these, around 1,600 of the best were selected for inclusion in the ranking list. Gdańsk University of Technology is among them!

QS World University Rankings by Subject ranks universities in both broad and narrow subjects. The evaluation criteria for the 2024 ranking included:

  • academic reputation,
  • employer reputation,
  • citations per paper,
  • H-index,
  • international research network.

In the broad subject Engineering & Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology scored 62.4 points out of a maximum of 100, placing it 370th in the world and 3rd in Poland (after Warsaw University of Technology and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology). This is a significant improvement from 391st place in 2023 and a position in the 401-450 range in 2022. The university achieved the highest scores in the number of citations category (76.3 points) and in international research partnerships (75.6 points).

In the broad subject Natural Sciences, the University scored 57.7 points, which allowed it to be ranked in the range 501-550. Gdańsk University of Technology received the most points for the number of citations (73.1 points). Significantly, this is the first time that Gdańsk University of Technology has been ranked in the Natural Sciences subject.

Indicator weightings by broad subject area of Engineering & Technology and Natural Sciences are presented in the charts below.

By narrow subject area, the highest rankings were:

- Engineering - Electrical & Electronic - ranked between 251-300,

- Engineering - Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering - position in the range 301-350.

In addition, the narrow subjects area of Chemical (ranked 401-430), Chemistry (ranked 401-450), Materials Sciences (ranked 401-420), Physics & Astronomy (451-500) and Computer Science and Information Systems (651-700) were also ranked in QS by Subject.

A summary of Gdańsk Tech's performance in the QS WUR by Subject ranking in the narrow subject areas for 2021-2024 is presented here.


Results of QS by Subject