60 candidates from all over Poland. Talent Scholarships awarded | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-07-09

60 candidates from all over Poland. Talent Scholarships awarded

stypendium talentów
A student's place at one of the best universities in the country, an individual study mode, the care of a scientific mentor and PLN 2,000 per month for the entire period of studies. This is what the six winners of the first edition of the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarship competition will receive.

– Out of 60 very interesting applications that came from all over Poland, we selected 6 people whose achievements and ambitious plans for the future impressed us - says Prof. Barbara Wikieł, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Chairwoman of the Competition Jury. – We are convinced that the Talent Scholarship reaches young people who love science, want to develop their talents and set themselves new challenges. They have already achieved many things, are winners of competitions and olympiads, participants of scientific projects, and some are even co-authors of scientific publications. Gdańsk University of Technology will be the next step on their journey and I hope that it will be a stage full of good energy and an opportunity for development.

The Talent Scholarship is awarded at Gdańsk University of Technology for the first time. It is not only financial support, but also a number of additional benefits for the winners. They have the opportunity to study according to an individual study program, the care of a scientific mentor throughout the scholarship period and a place in a single room in a student dormitory. Only a few universities in Poland, apart from Gdańsk University of Technology, encourage young people with exceptional scientific achievements to study in this way.

– We are building a strong technical university with a significant position in the country and increasing recognition abroad. We want the best young people to study here, and we will give them the best opportunities to study – says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology. – I will be very happy to welcome these young, talented people in October, and I would like to congratulate them on their many successes and keep my fingers crossed that after a well-deserved summer break, they will start the studies they dream of at Gdańsk University of Technology and work on their careers with even greater energy.

And what do the winners themselves say? Why did they decide to apply for the Talent Scholarship, which courses did they choose and what is most important to them in their studies?

Konrad Antosz, Rzeszów, chosen field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

I decided to apply for the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarships competition because I see it as a unique opportunity to fulfill my dream of studying at one of the leading technical universities in Poland. Participating in the competition allowed me not only to present my skills and achievements related to my passion for electronics, but also gave me a chance to compete with other talented young people.

Winning is of great importance to me. It is not only a distinction and recognition of my work to date and commitment to developing my skills and passions, but also opening up new opportunities for development. Thanks to the scholarship, I will be able to start my studies at Gdańsk University of Technology, which is a key step on my development path. It is also a great motivation to continue my education and strive to achieve further goals.

Szymon Drywa, Staniszewo, chosen field of study: Computer Science

I applied for the Talent Scholarship competition because I have always wanted to study at a research university where I could develop my interests and passions. Technical subjects such as computer science, mathematics and physics are particularly important to me, and Gdańsk University of Technology will provide me with the opportunity to acquire knowledge in these fields at a very high level. Thanks to receiving the scholarship, I have the opportunity to develop scientifically. The assistance of a research supervisor will surely help me in writing scientific articles and conducting research.

Karolina Hofman, Ruciane-Nida, selected field of study: Chemistry

When I saw the announcement about the recruitment for the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarship, I knew immediately that I wanted to try to use this opportunity. I considered it a great chance to spread my wings and be able to continue the path I have chosen. The news of winning the title of laureate made me very happy. It is a great distinction, but also a great responsibility not to rest on my laurels and to reach further. The scholarship is a tribute to my achievements to date, but also a motivation not to slow down and remain an active person, focused on action, development and not afraid of challenges. Therefore, I will certainly make every effort not only not to betray the trust, but also to bring much joy and pride to Gdańsk University of Technology in the future.

Kacper Juśkiewicz, Ciechocinek, chosen field of study: Computer Science

My application in the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarship Competition was dictated by the fact that Gdańsk University of Technology is one of the best universities in the country and is growing in the rankings, which proves the competence and commitment of its staff. I am passionate about the application of computer techniques, information technology and artificial intelligence in various areas of life. Winning creates great opportunities for individual development, allowing me to focus on my passions and interests.

Piotr Lange, Wejherowo, chosen field of study: Computer Science

Despite passing the International Baccalaureate (IB) with very good results, my financial situation did not allow me to study abroad. Gdańsk Tech extended a helping hand to me in this matter. Financial support will allow me to focus on my studies. Without it, I would probably have to take up a full-time job during my studies. In addition, it will allow me to buy modern computer equipment, necessary for IT specialists. The IT studies I chose are conducted at a very high level on a national scale and will give me good prospects for academic and professional development. A place in a dormitory is also important to me, because it will save me a lot of time. Currently, living in Wejherowo and commuting to high school in Gdynia, I wasted over 2 hours a day commuting.

Michał Łukaszuk, Białystok, chosen field of study: Automation, cybernetics and robotics

Since my early years, I have been passionate about technical sciences, so in order to have the chance to further develop my interests at the highest possible level, I applied for the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarship. Winning guarantees me studies in my dream field, which is "Automation, cybernetics and robotics". I will have the chance to create experimental solutions regarding mechanics and automation present in vehicles and test them within student scientific groups. Additionally, thanks to the academic supervision and an individual course of study, I will be able to develop academically at a very rapid pace from the very first year.