Gdańsk Tech among the five best universities in Poland. Advancement in the Perspektywy ranking | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-07-02

Gdańsk Tech among the five best universities in Poland. Advancement in the Perspektywy ranking

Gdańsk Tech among the five best universities in Poland. Advancement in the Perspektywy ranking
Photo: Krzysztof Mystkowski/Gdańsk Tech
The "Perspektywy" Foundation has published an annual ranking of the best universities in Poland. Gdańsk University of Technology advanced in the classification of all universities, ranking one step higher than last year - in 5th place. In turn, in the ranking of technical universities, Gdańsk Tech again took a high 3rd place.

The very good past year allowed our university to advance and thus be among the five best universities in Poland. This is a great success, as is maintaining the 3rd place in the category of technical universities.

– I am very happy that in the year in which we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the establishment of the university, we will advance in the national ranking of universities. Improving the ranking position and being among the elite group of the five best universities in the country is a confirmation for us that the activities we undertake at the university have been very good. Our analyzes show that in terms of the university's scientific potential and the number of citations, we are developing faster than other leading universities in the world, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We have the ambition to catch up with them. This motivates us to continue working hard for science and development - says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector. – Once again, we are among the top technical universities, and the fields of study we offer are among the best rated in the country. This shows that studies at Gdańsk University of Technology are a guarantee of the highest quality of education, at a modern and developing university.

Gdańsk Tech – a university with high scientific potential

The Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Academic Universities was based on 31 indicators, divided into seven groups of criteria.

The promotion and high place of Gdańsk University of Technology in the general ranking are the result of progress in the first three most important groups of criteria. Our university improved its position from last year in the following groups: scientific effectiveness, internationalization and scientific potential. In the latter, Gdańsk Tech recorded the biggest leap - from 14th to 3rd place.

The ranking is based on the following criteria:

  1. Scientific effectiveness (weight 30%) – measured, among others, by staff development and scientific degrees awarded, the number of publications, citations, the effectiveness of obtaining funds for research or the presence of scientists' publications in 10% of the most frequently cited journals in the world;
  2. Scientific potential (weight 13%) - determined by the results of the evaluation of the university's scientific activities, the saturation of the staff with people with the highest qualifications, doctoral and habilitation qualifications and the education of doctoral students at doctoral schools;
  3. Internationalization (weight 15%) – measured, among others, by the number of foreign students, number of people studying in foreign languages, participation in a European university, the number of teachers from abroad, the number of student exchanges (incoming and outgoing) and the degree of multiculturalism of the student environment;
  4. Graduates on the labor market (weight 12%) - indicator according to data from the nationwide study Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA);
  5. Prestige (weight 12%) - which consists of the number of indications of a given university in a survey conducted among academic staff and the university's position in global academic rankings;
  6. Educational conditions (weight 10%) - determined by the access of students to highly qualified academic staff and the number of accreditations and certificates held by the university;
  7. Innovation (weight 8%) – measured by the number of patents and protection rights obtained in Poland and abroad, as well as the contribution of university research to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The full methodology is available on the Perspektywy 2024 University Ranking website.

The top five in the general classification of universities included: the University of Warsaw, the Jagiellonian University, the Warsaw University of Technology, the AGH University of Science and Technology and Gdańsk University of Technology. In the ranking of technical universities, the Warsaw University of Technology retained first place, and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow took second place. Gdańsk Tech was followed by: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology and Silesian University of Technology.

These three fields of study are the best in Poland

The Perspektywy Foundation also conducts a ranking of the best fields of study. The list contains the most popular fields of study in 9 fields of science and assesses their quality at individual universities.

Those interested in studying spatial management, environmental engineering or chemical technology should study at Gdańsk University of Technology. Our university took first place in the ranking of these fields of study.

GUT offers three majors that took first place:

  • Spatial management is a direction for people interested in shaping the space of cities, villages, housing estates and open landscapes in a functional, sustainable and friendly way for all users.
  • Environmental engineering is an interdisciplinary field educating specialists in the design, construction and operation of infrastructure aimed at both the use and transformation of environmental resources, as well as their protection.
  • Chemical technology – an interdisciplinary field of study, equipping the student with knowledge and practical skills in the field of chemical technological processes. The study program is aimed at providing specialist knowledge needed to design, control and automate technological processes in the chemical, energy, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and related industries.

Gdańsk Tech also took high positions (in the top 5) in the ranking of the following study fields:

  •  Architecture (2nd place)
  •  Automation and robotics (4)
  •  Biotechnology (2)
  •  Construction (2)
  •  Chemistry (3)
  •  Economics (6)
  •  Electronics and telecommunications (4)
  •  Electrical engineering (5)
  •  Energy (3)
  •  Applied physics (4)
  •  Geodesy and cartography (3)
  •  Computer science, M.Sc. (5)
  •  Biomedical Engineering (4)
  •  Materials engineering (4)
  •  Mechanics and machine construction (5)
  •  Mechatronics (4)
  •  Management (4)
  •  Production management and engineering (4)

About the ranking of the "Perspektywy" foundation

The "Perspektywy University Ranking" has been conducted since 1999 and is the most important and most popular ranking of this type in Poland. It includes almost all universities: both public and private (except art universities), which have at least one right to award doctoral degrees and have at least 200 full-time students. The competition jury supervises the correctness and reliability of the preparation of the ranking.

The Gdańsk University of Technology's Center for Strategic Analysis is responsible for coordinating activities related to the participation of Gdańsk University of Technology in national and international rankings and pro-quality competitions, including preparing entries for the rankings.

The Gdańsk Tech Center for Strategic Analysis reports to prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Gdańsk Tech vice-rector for organization and development.