Working at height

Work at height is work performed on a surface at a height of at least 1.0 m above the floor or ground level.

Work at height does not include work on the surface, regardless of the height at which it is located, if the surface:

1. is covered on all sides to a height of at least 1.5 m with solid walls or walls with glazed windows

2. is equipped with other permanent structures or devices protecting the employee against falling from a height

Work at heights is particularly dangerous kind of work. Falling from a height is a frequent cause of serious and fatal accidents.

The most common causes of falls from a height:

1. lack of awareness of the threat

2. failure to comply with the instructions for working at heights and occupational health and safety training

3. lack of supervision over the work performed at height

4. failure to equip employees with fall protection equipment

5. failure to use or incorrect use of fall protection equipment by employees

Responsibilities of an employee performing work at height:

1. possession of a valid medical certificate on the lack of contraindications to work at height. The referral for examinations should contain annotations about the employee's work at height

2. undergoing on-the-job training familiarizing with the specifics of work at height and learning about the hazards at the workplace

3. performing work in a safe manner, with due attention, in accordance with the workplace instructions,

4. use of the provided personal protective measures and equipment in accordance with their intended purpose, according to the manufacturer's instructions,

5. ongoing inspections of personal protective equipment before and after each use,

6. reporting any irregularities, faults or dangerous situations to the person in charge.

Responsibilities of the employer to ensure safe work at height:

1. ensuring that the employee possesses a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to work at heights

2. providing on-the-job training familiarizing the employee with the specifics of working at height

3. providing appropriate personal and collective protection equipment appropriate to the type of work performed and training employees in the use of these measures

4. ensuring periodic inspections of equipment and devices, according to the dates specified by their manufacturers,

5. ensuring direct supervision over these works, consisting, for example, in ensuring the protection of persons performing particularly dangerous works by other employees who do not directly perform these works

6. providing protective devices, e.g. guards (barriers) of dangerous places

7. marking of hazardous zones and places (e.g. openings in ceilings, window openings without joinery)

8. ensuring that the structure on which the work will be performed is stable, resistant to the expected load and protected against accidental change of position.

More information can be found in the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of 26 September 1997 on general occupational health and safety regulations (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 169, item 1650).