1. Gdańsk University of Technology property and liability insurance:

Procedure number : ZP/75/055/U/24 , 
Contents: OPZ , Clauses , Polisa OC , All Risks ,Glass and glass elements policy ,  Agreement
Insurance company: Interrisk
General Terms and Conditions: OC , All Risks , Windows
Contract period: 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

2. Accident insurance for students, NNW students and Gdańsk University of Technology employees traveling on business and for internships:

Procedure number : ZP/274/055/U/23
Contents: Contract
Insurance company: INTERRISK
General Terms and Conditions: OWU NNW, OWU OC
Insurance coverage
Contract period: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

3. Vehicle insurance of organizational units of Gdańsk University of Technology:

Procedure number: ZP/270/055/U/23
Contents: Contract
Insurance company: UNIQA
General Terms and Conditions: AC , Assistance , NNW of drivers and passengers,
Contract period: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025


4. Insurance of medical expenses and assistance, accident insurance and luggage insurance of Gdańsk University of Technology employees, students, as well as their families and accompanying persons traveling on business for scientific internships and internships as well as holidays organized by Gdańsk University of Technology outside Poland:

Procedure number: ZP/182/055/U/23
Contents: Contract
Policies: EUROPE with scope description, WORLD with scope description
Insurance company: Wiener
General Terms and Conditions: OWU, Table of percentage damage to health, Claims Reporting Procedure
Contract period: 21.08.2023- 20.08.2025

5. Insurance of: vessels and water equipment, part A and sea yachts part. B:

Procedure number: ZP/29/055/U/23 , WARTA cz. A , WARTA cz. B
Insurance company : WARTA
General Terms and Conditions: OWU
Contract period : 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025

6. OC insurance for irretrievable aircraft, people responsible for the management of finite damage:

Contents: Polisa OC
Insurance company: Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Polski Zakład Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych
General Terms and Conditions: OWU
Contract period : 08.07.2024 - 07.07.2025
Drone operator number: Registration confirmation valid until July 13, 2025