Call in the 4th edition of the Technetium Talent Management Grants program (08.01-23.02.24) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-01-09

Call in the 4th edition of the Technetium Talent Management Grants program (08.01-23.02.24)


 The goal of the Technetium program is to support the activities of mentors - academics - who mentor particularly talented students engaging in research activities in the topics of POB Centers.


The application must be submitted only in electronic form through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module.

We invite you to read the intructions and tutorial (available soon) for preparing the application

Grant applications can be submitted by:

  • supervisors of students pursuing an individual research study program at PG;
  • guardians of students involved in the work of research teams operating at PG;
  • guardians of student scientific circles operating at PG.

Budget and terms of project funding  
The amount of the grant in the program is PLN 25,000, and the project implementation period is up to 12 months.

What cost categories can be planned in the project?

The grant funds include:
  • remuneration for the mentor (project manager), in the maximum amount of PLN 12,000 gross-brutto (including employer's costs; max.PLN 1,000 gross-brutto/month)
  • costs related to dissemination of scientific research
  • costs of purchasing small laboratory equipment
  • costs of equipment and software
  • extraneous services

Technetium program training

How to apply?

  • The program's call will run from January 8 to February 23, 2024. 
  • Applications must be submitted electronically through the MojaPG system only.

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