Stage 5 of the allocation of places in dormitories - part 2 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-17

Stage 5 of the allocation of places in dormitories - part 2

The photo shows the dormitory building in the Wyspiański estate.

The results of the 5th stage of the distribution of places in student dormitories have been published on the student accounts.

Students who received a negative decision did not pay a guarantee deposit in the amount of PLN 400 (it was necessary to participate in the fifth stage of allocation of places - §61 section 4 point 3 of the Regulations of student benefits), with the exception of:
1. student number: 176705 - no student status (graduate);
2. student number: 179919; 181748; 182402; 185574; 186116; 186468; 187938 - Insufficient number of points to receive the preferred Dormitory, according to the instruction "I am not interested in a different DS number. I give up participation in this stage. "

If you received a place in the Student House:

  1. Students who have received a place in DS are required to stay at the latest by October 4, 2021. After this date, students lose their right to reside in DS for at least one academic year, and the deposit will not be refundable (not applicable to people who notified the administration of DS in writing of a later arrival).
  2. Accommodation of people who have been allocated places in the Student House begins on 29 September 2021
  3. The amount of fees for confusion in the dormitory is specified in the "Price list for residence in student housing", which is available on the website of Osiedla Studenckiego

If you have not received a place in the Student House:

During the academic year, it will be possible to obtain a place in the dormitories under the 6th stage. The first such possibility will be on October 7, 2021.

Read the rules of Stage VI