A student may apply for:
- a maintenance scholarship;
- a scholarship for people with disablities;
- a rector's scholarship;
- a hardship scholarship.
The above-mentioned benefits are paid from the Scholarship Fund.
A student studying several fields of study at the same time may receive benefits only in one field of study indicated by him/her.
Student benefits:
- are available for 1st and 2nd cycle (BSc and MSc) studies, as well as for uniform master's studies for a total period of 12 semesters (irrespective of whether the student receives them), but within this period, the following benefits are granted to:
- in first-cycle studies - not longer than 9 semesters;
- in second-cycle studies - not longer than 7 semesters.
- are not available to a student with the professional title of:
- MSc, MSc, Eng., or equivalent,
- BSc, engineer or equivalent, if they resume first-cycle studies.
Applications for scholarships should be submitted by the following deadlines:
Winter semester: 7 October – 21 October 2024
Summer semester: 25 February – 6 March 2025
Allowance applications may be submitted throughout the entire academic year.
Benefits are awarded by the Scholarship Committee. Appeals against the decisions of the Scholarship Committee are examined by the Scholarship Committee of Appeal.