Health Insurance for EU/ EEA citizens
A valid passport, student Identity Card or doctoral student Identity Card and a valid European Health Insurance Card entitles its holder to medical care services free of charge in Poland. Those who fail to present any of the documents will be obliged to cover the cost of medical help. Students need to apply for EKUZ in their home country.
Erasmus students (having so called legitymacja studencka - student's card - issued by the host university) are usually allowed to consult doctors at academic medical care centres.
Health Insurance for non EU/ EEA citizens.
You can choose private insurance company or join a voluntary health insurance in Poland in one of National Health Fund branches (NFZ- Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia). Under this insurance scheme, students are entitled to free medical care and can use university health care clinics and health centres. Also, all foreign students have the option of purchasing additional accident insurance. Health insurance is mandatory for all non-EU students.
If you have questions or need any help please contact us study@pg.edu.pl