• 2023-03-16

    Mindfulness classes – sign up

    Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office invites students and employees to sign up for mindfulness classes organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. Applications are accepted until March 31. The number of places is limited - don't miss it! How to sign up? Registration for mindfulness classes for the English-speaking group will last from 13 to 31 March. To sign up for classes,...

  • 2023-03-01

    How to deal with stress? Sign up for classes

    International Relations Office invites students of Gdańsk University of Technology to participate in seminars on coping with stressful situations organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. Registration for meetings lasts until March 27th. The number of places is limited. In mid-September 2022, the "Hey, are you OK?" project was launched at Gdańsk University of Technology. The main...

  • 2023-02-22

    Encores and standing ovations. Musical farewell to the carnival with the Gdańsk Tech Choir

    Concert "AH! Gdańsk Tech Carnival” under the patronage of prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular hits by Queen, Abba and many others. An hour-long performance of the Gdańsk University of Technology Choir under the baton of prof. Mariusz Mróz and accompanied by jazz musicians from the Academy of Music in...

  • 2023-02-20

    ENHANCE invites – summer school on sustainable entrepreneurship

    We invite Gdańsk Tech master and PhD students to sign up for the "Summer School in sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation" organized by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (June/September 2023). The registration deadline is March 15th. Don't miss it! In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined ENHANCE - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the...

  • 2023-01-16

    300 projects worth PLN 45 million. The results of IDUB program in 2022.

    „Excellence Initiative – Research University” program (Polish acronym IDUB) has been implemented for over two years now at Gdańsk University of Technology. Using the additional subsidy granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MEiN) allows to support different recipients: researchers, students, doctoral students, teaching and administrative staff of the University, as part...

  • 2023-01-12

    Santander Scholarships - apply now

    After a break, outgoing development programs for students and doctoral students from Santander Universidades are back. This time you can apply for a trip to United Kingdom. Bank Santander also continues online programs. Outgoing program Santander Scholarship | English Summer Experience 2023 - 100 places for an outgoing English language course at levels from B1 to C1 for people aged 18 - 30....

  • 2023-01-03

    Sign up for the winter school!

    Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with Technische Universität Berlin and Universitat Politècnica de València invites students to sign up for the free-of-charge Data Literacy ENHANCE Winter School (February/March 2023). The deadline for registration is January 20th.  Data Literacy ENHANCE Winter School is organized by Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with...

  • 2023-01-03

    Summing up the year 2022 at Gdańsk University of Technology

    Awarded inventions, investments counted in hundreds of millions of zlotys, recognition in international rankings, cooperation with leading European technical universities, one of the best results of evaluation of research activity in the country, organization of important events - in 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology consistently achieved its goals. The community of our university also...