Personality of Gdańsk University of Technology

In recognition of special merits for the University in the field of development and promotion of science, education, culture, economy and public activity, Gdańsk University of Technology honors its employees and graduates with the title of Personality of Gdańsk University of Technology.


Personality of the year 2020

Principles and mode of awarding the title

The title of the 'Personalities of Gdańsk University of Technology' is awarded by the Senate of  Gdańsk University of Technology according to the opinion of the Chapter of Honorary Dignities and Distinctions of  Gdańsk University of Technology. One such title is be awarded per calendar year. The awarding of the title of the 'Personality of  Gdańsk University of Technology'is a formal occasion and takes place on the University's Day or during other grand celebrations. The name of the person awarded is entered into the 'Golden Book of Gdańsk University of Technology'.

The rules and procedure for awarding the title are set out in GUT Senate Resolution No. 371/2019 / XXIV of 16 October 2019.