Tuition fees


Academic year 2023/24 tuition fees for international candidates

Minimum first-semester tuition fee is required to be paid by the deadline given in the Offer Letter (usually 2 weeks).
All payments made to Gdańsk Tech in foreign currency are converted into PLN at the rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of payment
The tuition fee will be refunded in case the candidate will resign from studies in case of important and documented circumstances. 

Study program Fee per semester No. of semesters

Master in Management

10 750 PLN 4
Master of Science in Architecture 9 000 PLN 3

Master of Science in Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

9 000 PLN 3 or 4
Master of Science in Civil Engineering 10 000 PLN 3
Master of Science in Economic Analytics 10 750 PLN 4

Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications

9 000 PLN 3 or 4
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering 10 000 PLN 3
Master of Science in Green Technologies 8 600 PLN 3

Master of Science in Informatics

9 000 PLN 3 or 4

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

9 000 PLN 3

Master of Science in Nanotechnology

9 000 PLN 4
Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures 9 000 PLN 3 or 4

Master of Science in Spatial Development

8 600 PLN 3
Master of Science in Engineering and Management of Space Systems 9 000 PLN 3