First 'Excellence Initiative - Research University' reporting conference | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-09-14

First 'Excellence Initiative - Research University' reporting conference

EIRU (pl. IDUB) logotype
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education invites everyone to participate online in the 1st Reporting Conference of universities participating in the first competition under the ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ EIRU (pl. IDUB) program.

The conference, which is held as part of the NKN FORUM initiative on 15-16 September, is organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in cooperation with the University of Warsaw.

As announced by the organizers, the main topic of the meeting will be activities undertaken by universities selected in the competition under EIRU in the first months of project implementation. Moreover, the idea of the conference is to enable the presentation of initiatives by the universities participating in the competition.

The conference was organized with the support of members of the international team of experts assessing the competition applications. In cooperation with the experts, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has prepared a survey on activities undertaken by universities. The results of the survey also became the basis for the development of the conference program and the selection of topics for discussion panels.

The conference will be held in English. Online participation is possible after prior registration via the registration form. More information on registration and the conference program can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Let us recall that in 2019 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education conducted a competition under the IDUB program. In the competition Gdańsk University of Technology took second place in Poland. As a result of the competition, 10 universities receive an increase of 10 percent in the subsidy (in 2020–2026). The other universities that participated in the competition receive a subsidy increased by 2%.

More about the competition