A new tram, named after prof. Jerzy Doerffer | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-11-23

A new tram, named after prof. Jerzy Doerffer

A tram name of Professor Jerzy Doerffer
A new tram, which has just set off for the first Gdańsk passengers received the name of Professor Jerzy Doerffer, an outstanding scientist and rector of Gdańsk University of Technology in 1981-1984. The ceremony took place on 20 November at the Gdańsk-Chełm tram terminal.

The ceremony of giving the name was attended by, among others, the president of Gdańsk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, GUT rector, Henryk Paszkowski, PEA vice president, Andrzej Stelmasiewicz, chairman of the Culture and Promotion Committee in the Gdańsk City Council, as well as members of the patron's family: sons with children and grandchildren.

Professor Jerzy Doerffer was born in 1918, and died in 2006 in Sopot. He was associated with Gdańsk University of Technology since 1948. He created and developed the ship technology specialization, and promoted the first doctors in this field in Poland. In the years 1981–1984 he was the rector of Gdańsk University of Technology. He participated, among others in: reconstruction, modernization and expansion of production and repair shipyards; developing new technological processes for the construction of large seagoing ships and floating docks. In 1993 he organized the Ship Forum (Union of Ship Industry Employers) and was elected its chairman four times (in the years 1993–2003). Since 2003 he was the honorary chairman of the Forum.

In recognition of his merits and contribution to the development of the world ship technology, he was awarded with six honorary honoris causa doctorates from various Polish and European universities. In 1988, he was awarded the medal of William Froude of the Royal Ship Association in London, and in 1989 the international sea award IMO (‘Silver Dolphin’) in London.

– It is my dream that everyone traveling by this tram should be inspired, at least to some extent, by the life of professor Jerzy Doerffer – a man with a great mind and a beautiful heart – said Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, president of Gdańsk, opening the ceremony.

– I am very glad that it is the name of Professor Jerzy Doerffer that the new Gdańsk tram will bear - added prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT – The professor was a scientist and a great practitioner at the same time. He worked in shipyards, built ships and passed his practical knowledge to the next generations. He was one of the pillars of the development of the shipbuilding industry in Gdańsk, and contributed to the integration of the entire community. The professor was also the president of the Academic Sports Association, an active athlete, for example in tennis.

The profile of professor Jerzy Doerffer and his achievements were introduced to the guests by his son - professor Piotr Doerffer from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The history of trams, named after patrons associated with Gdańsk, dates back to October 2015, since when the so-called Grass tram (tram N8C) - dedicated to the Nobel laureate Günter Grass - runs regularly on Gdańsk rails. Gdańsk trams have already gained many patrons: sportsmen, social activists, priests, and outstanding personalities of culture and art. Outstanding Gdańsk scientists are now joining this group. On 9 October this year, another Gdańsk tram was named after prof. Anna J. Podhajska, initiator and co-founder of the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk, and head of the Department of Biotechnology at IFB UG and MUG.

– It is very important that the representatives of the Gdańsk world of science become patrons of the next trams - emphasized Andrzej Stelmasiewicz from the magistrate – It is a big contribution to the popularization of science - scientists are not famous figures, they have never been, only a really few people manage to become well-known. Many passengers of this vehicle will have the chance to learn about the Gdańsk scientist and his achievements.