GUT extremely popular. Second place in Poland in terms of the number of candidates | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-12-16

GUT extremely popular. Second place in Poland in terms of the number of candidates

Students of GUT
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has published a report summarizing the admission results in the 2020/2021 academic year. Gdańsk University of Technology was once again ranked second among the most frequently chosen by candidates of technical universities in Poland.

Of over 428 000 people who started higher education at Polish universities in October, as many as 25 000 wanted to study at Gdańsk University of Technology. In the list of the most frequently chosen public universities in Poland - according to the total number of applications of candidates for first and second cycle studies - GUT took second place in the country, after the Warsaw University of Technology (45 000 applications).

Moreover, GUT also came second in terms of the number of candidates for one place (6.5 people - only the Poznań University of Technology was higher, with a score of 6.6).

– Gdańsk University of Technology is once again among the most popular technical universities in the country. Such a large number of people willing to study is pleasing, but it is not a surprise to us either  says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT.  The diverse offer of our university attracts young and talented candidates who can choose among many fields of study that successfully meet the current trends on the labor market. The presence of GUT in international rankings is also significant in the educational choices of secondary school students, including in the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities also known as the Shanghai Ranking. Only eight Polish universities are included among the 1000 best universities from around the world. The location is also an important argument for future students. Gdańsk and our university are great places to study, spend free time and build ambitious career development paths.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has also published a list of the most popular fields of study in the current academic year. Among the candidates, IT was invariably the most popular, and was chosen by 33 thousand people on a national scale. Young people often chose psychology (29 thousand people) and management (over 25 thousand people).

At Gdańsk University of Technology, the most popular fields of study in this year's recruitment turned out to be: economy, mechatronics and spatial management. An average of 15 people applied for one place in these fields of study. GUT recorded the largest number of candidates in IT (Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics) - 1701 applications, and in Construction (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) - 1312