Artificial intelligence can help delay the aging process | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-01-12

Artificial intelligence can help delay the aging process

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Professor Jacek Rumiński from the ETI Faculty is a scientific consultant for a multidisciplinary team that has developed an innovative application aimed at improving our health - VIKA. Thanks to the cooperation of many specialists in various fields – among others artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology or sport, a virtual assistant of healthy lifestyle was created. We can always have it within reach.

One of the originators of the application is Łukasz Ossowski, a GUT graduate, co-creator of the best Ivona speech synthesizer in the world. There are many applications on the market that encourage physical exercise, measure our activity, remind us to drink water or create a low-calorie diet. VIKA stands out significantly, as it is the world's first healthy life expectancy counter. It analyzes physical activity, lifestyle, diet and thanks to the data collected in a detailed interview, it estimates the biological age of its user. VIKA is able to approximate how our lifestyle affects the aging process - whether our habits add to or subtract years from our body.

Such analysis is only the initial stage of VIKI’s operation. If we use it regularly, it will become our virtual assistant helping us to take care of our health. It will suggest healthy solutions, which, if implemented regularly, will lead to forming lasting, healthy habits. Tasks can start with eating raw vegetables every day or doing a short training on a regular basis, but over time, as you level up, they become more and more demanding.

Prof. Jacek Rumiński, who cooperates with the Lab4Life team in the field of artificial intelligence methods and data analysis, tells us how the application works and what were the stages of its creation.

– Until now, hardly anyone has analyzed as much data as widely as the AI modules created when building VIKI. The application works on the basis of information about the health and lifestyle of 500 thousand people. The data was obtained from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from UK Biobank and concern people from the US and Europe. Detailed analysis of such raw measurement data as, for example age, height, weight, eating habits, type of work, type and history of physical activity, etc. allows us to find many dependencies and anticipate healthy life expectancy . How to include them in the model taught by Machine Learning techniques - this is what VIKI's innovation is all about.

The creators of the application are guided by the motto ‘One million years of health more’. In December VIKA was put into operation and is very popular among its users. The Lab4Life team is constantly working on improving, developing and personalizing it.

– VIKA is to be a maximally personalized application, responding to the individual, unique needs of a given user. Thanks to AI and its learning ability, the transition from general knowledge and a statistical model to a personalized and precise model is possible – emphasizes Prof. Jacek Rumiński.

The application can be downloaded for free from Google Play and Apple App Store. As the developers of the application inform us, the basic functions are free. Additionally, as part of the paid Premium functionality, Vika offers insight into the risk of cancer, stroke, coronary artery disease, hypertension and health-promoting missions: Healthy Movement, Healthy Sleep and Healthy Meals.