First place at the national stage of the International Statistical Literacy Project | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-02-17

First place at the national stage of the International Statistical Literacy Project

Students from Gdańsk University of Technology won first place at the national stage of the International Statistical Literacy Project and will represent Poland at the international stage.

The awarded team consisting of: PhD, Eng. Karol Flisikowski (tutor) and students Norbert Nieżorawski (FM&E), Marta Sobolewska (FCh) and Maciej Winnik (FM&E), won the main prize, beating, among others the University of Silesia (2nd place) and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (3rd place). Students prepared a thesis entitled: The influence of blue light emitted by electrical devices on the quality of sleep’. Thanks to the victory at the national stage, the team advanced to the international stage as the Polish national team. The results of the competition at the international level will be announced in July.

The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) has been run by the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) since 2007. The aim of the competition is to develop students' skills in describing their environment with the help of statistics and to use statistical data as a tool to learn about everyday life, in particular: researching and analyzing problems related to the subject of the competition and interpreting statistical results.