How to build effective and long-term cooperation between science and business | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-14

How to build effective and long-term cooperation between science and business

Three rectors
In the photo from the left: prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science at the Medical University of Gdańsk, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk (on the screen) and Piotr Markowski, representing the Gdańsk Tech special purpose vehicle Excento. Photo: Paulina Gomułka-Wójtowicz / Gdańsk University of Technology
How to build effective and long-term cooperation between science and business and what role do Gdańsk universities play in the development of local business and the socio-economic environment - these were the main topics discussed during the webinar "Cooperation of Pomeranian universities for the development of innovation", which took place on 9 June at Gdańsk University of Technology .  

The first part of the meeting was attended by the rectors of three leading universities in the region: prof. Krzysztof Wilde (Gdańsk University of Technology), prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science (Medical University of Gdańsk) and prof. Piotr Stepnowski (University of Gdańsk). The webinar was led by Piotr Markowski, representing the Gdańsk Tech special purpose vehicle Excento.

Universities open to business needs

The guests talked about the changing role of universities, main goals and challenges, as well as about building ever closer cooperation between science and business. The discussion was opened by the Gdańsk Tech rector, prof. Krzysztof Wilde.

– The basic elements of our activity are staff training and research work. The third element of increasing importance is acting for the benefit of the socio-economic environment and building competitive companies, and this is how we want to direct our activities.

– In recent years, we have been facing a change in the role of universities in relation to the environment: from the position of an observer, a passive participant to the position of a creator of changes. In my opinion, this results from the model of open universities adopted by Tri-City universities. They should be open to changes, open to innovation, open to the environment. The process of striving for openness has resulted in establishing closer relations with both business and public sector entities, including local governments - said prof. Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk. - The effect of these activities is a wider understanding by the university environment of specific processes resulting from scientific and research activities, but also taking into account the needs of the environment in the area of science and didactics. Universities, drawing on the richness of the environment and conducting scientific and research activities, become creators of innovation. This is clearly visible during, for example, the participation of consortia consisting of enterprises and universities in various programs, such as the Innovation Voucher, where the role of universities is to conduct research activities, the effects of which are then implemented in enterprises.

Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science at Gdańsk Medical University, speaking about the cooperation of the MUG with the socio-economic environment in terms of teaching needs and staff training, presented the example of creating dual studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy under the name "Pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry". These are studies conducted jointly with the companies: Polpharma SA and Oceanic, which educate young specialists at the master's level to work in both of these industries.

Damian Mucha, vice-president of the board and director of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Pomerania, shared his observations on the current cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientific units and their expectations.

– The most important challenge and the need of entrepreneurs are properly educated staff that can contribute to the resources of enterprises and will be a driving force for development in key areas for the region, such as digitization, productivity and health protection - emphasized the director.

The Fahrenheit University Association increases the competitiveness of Gdańsk universities

Cooperation between Gdańsk universities also means their federalization and undertaking an increasing number of joint activities in the field of science or didactics. The rectors emphasized the importance of the Daniel Fahrenheit University Association established in December 2020.

– We are at a great moment in the development of the academic character of Gdańsk - emphasized prof. Michał Markuszewski. – After many years, we managed to create a formal relationship, which is to help identify those areas of science in which we can obtain the greatest synergy of cooperation, and also better use the already existing infrastructure of individual units. Cooperation also gives us the opportunity to better compete in the student admission process and on the science market. It would be much more difficult for each university to be competitive separately.

The recognition on the international and national arena is an additional element - said prof. Krzysztof Wilde - When we appear jointly, while maintaining full autonomy, we are perceived differently, we enter a different league in competing in the international scientific environment. Thanks to our interdisciplinarity, we can also cooperate with business differently, providing ready-made solutions and synchronizing our offer for the socio-economic environment.

The summary of the first part of the webinar presented examples of successful commercialization and market implementation of technologies or inventions developed at three universities, together with the activity of university spin-off companies.

Microgrants as a chance for development

The next part of the meeting concerned the implementation of micro grants in the " R&D microgrants for enterprises" program. The total value of grants for entrepreneurs is PLN 15 million, and in each individual case, it is possible to get non-returnable support for the purchase of research and development services in projects with a value of up to PLN 200,000. PLN. Mariusz Machajewski, president of the Gdańsk Tech special purpose vehicle Excento, talked about the genesis of the program. The company supports Gdańsk Tech scientists in the commercialization of their research projects.

– The program is financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the area of commercialization of knowledge and supporting entrepreneurs in their research and development activities. The structure of the program is the result of a discussion on how to support business innovation. It resulted from the dialogue between the employees of the Marshal's Office, the scientific community and representatives of entrepreneurs, and the aim was to create an effective program, taking into account the experience of implementing other programs of a similar nature. We assume that approximately one hundred research projects will be carried out under the program.

The participants of the webinar could also learn how to take part in the program, in which scientific areas it is possible to apply for grants, as well as what the entire project implementation process looks like in order to effectively introduce innovations.

The host of the meeting, Piotr Markowski, who is the program coordinator, also talked to the presidents of special purpose vehicles, prof. Wojciech Bizon of Univentum Labs (UG) and Dr. Krzysztof Chlebus from the Medical Innovation Center (MUG), program partners who shared their knowledge about the functioning of special purpose vehicles at the university in practice.

The meeting ended with a conversation with Karolina Lipińska, Deputy Director for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of Economic Development of the Marshal's Office of the Pomerania Voivodeship.

– Our priority is to create a good climate around cooperation between science and business, as well as promote innovative attitudes. Taking advantage of such programs as " R&D Microgrants" is a great opportunity for scientists and entrepreneurs who are ready to innovate in their companies.